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  1. R

    stolen 94 firebird in goose creek

  2. R


    I do agree with you totally!
  3. R


    Dan01 never learns...
  4. R

    3 gun matches ?

    Check with D&R gunsmithing I think they were planning on hosting one 843.412.7948
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    I don't know I don't take to kindly to having a gun pointed at my I don't know....but I would be willing to bet I am enough of a smart a$$ to ask to see the search warrant. And slam the door....not saying it would work out well but.
  6. R

    gun control

    Inhale...exhale...inhale...let it half out as you squeeze the trigger and keep your eyes fixed on the target and forward post...then 8-)
  7. R

    Ladies Of Congress....OMG !!!

    I have been saying for a while that they were coming for vets next ...take arms out of the hands of the ones you trained to use them.
  8. R

    Constitutional Carry Update?

    I think at the end of the day this is all we can hope for
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    Constitutional Carry Update?

    Panzer I totally have to agree with you!!
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    Constitutional Carry Update?

    And who the heck are you to tell me how much training I have.... I would be willing to bet you would be surprised how much training some of us on this forum have..
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    Thoughts For Today's Times

    Totally agree with you . P.C. Has gotten in the way of what is right and true
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    Thoughts For Today's Times

    That is true but over the years the sheeple have gone to sleep. And turned those of us who see what is going on into the crazy ones.
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    Thoughts For Today's Times

    Funny how that works isn't it.. History books are written in the eyes of the victor..
  14. R


    I have had my xds for about a year ..ATP had it on order for 6 months and I was the first in line.and according to every gun shop around I had the first in charleston area( when I got mine I called around to see if anyone else had one and none had seen one yet) with a bit over a thousand rounds...
  15. R

    Constitutional Carry Update?

    That was my point as well basic firearms safety...heck I had a class on that in 8 th grade. " hunter safety". And as you said idiots won't adopt new ways of life in a 8 hour class.
  16. R

    Constitutional Carry Update?

    Nope once you have a C.W.P. you have already passed a far more Thorough background check than nics so you get to pass on that one.
  17. R

    Constitutional Carry Update?

    Gun safety I agree with you .... But having to get a permission slip from the government to do something that was already given to us in the bill of rights....well isn't silly but down right stupid.
  18. R

    Finally got my within

    I really like that idea I think that needs to be passed on!!
  19. R

    Police Are Exempt

    Exactly I don't know about you but I have 3 guys that work under me that I have to direct .keep production going and keep up with stock numbers on a lot of diffirent materials while workin 60. Hour weeks or no I really don't have time to play phone tag with some dispatcher covering for...
  20. R

    Police Are Exempt

    Normally I would agree with that... But I have been down that road with G.C. Police before... And all I got for a week was a run around of the supervisor wasn't in yet or he had just left or he wouldn't be able to call till 2200 or later it was a whole list of reasons not to talk to that...