My first USPSA Open match


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 1, 2011
Duvall, WA
Was really fun and could have placed much higher if it's not for my stupid FTEs! Getting the gun fixed now. Love making the transition from Revolver to Open! :D

Man I bet that was frustrating dealing with those fte, I would have been so flustered if that were me. Still looked great.
nice video, i don't know much about open so i have a couple of questions
1. how much did that gun run (price-wise)?
2. I see the FTE quite often with those guns, why is that..
Open division guns typically go from $3k to $7k for a Limcat. you can find used from 2.5 - 3k. I got mine super cheap around $1.6k as it was an old gun built more than 10yrs ago.

The reason it choked was because of the extractor. it was a little too long and started hitting the barrel when the slide goes forward. it made the extractor jump off it's path and loosen it's grip on the shell case. it's fixed now and will run fine :)

Open Guns are like Race cars, they need constant care and maintenance to operate at that level of performance. that's why they call it Race Guns. btw, all guns choke, even plastic fantastic ones!

hope that helps!