Let's talk about malt liquor


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Hey there folks. It's me, poopgiggle.

Something you may not know about me is that when I'm not busy being the worst action pistol shooter in the world, breaking into computers, or romancing all the cute vegan hipster girls at the University of Tulsa, I spend a lot of time drinking. Whether this is just a habit left over from my fraternity days, or simply a crutch that I use to help me bear the burden of being so incredibly brilliant and handsome, I enjoy drinking, as Hunter S Thompson put it, "at the upper end of social." Unfortunately, as a graduate student who makes almost no money (and who spends much of the disposable income he does have on guns and ammo), I can't exactly tip up a Chimay or 10 every time I want to get my buzz on. Hence, malt liquor.

Malt liquor is basically beer's no-good, drunk, jail-prone older brother. As Modern Drunkard Magazine put it,

MDM said:
The beer so strong they don't even call it beer — they call it liquor. The brew from the bad part of town, the staple of gangstas and punk rockers, barrios and trailer parks. Strong, cheap and raw. Served up in a big bottle that hangs in your hand like a blackjack. Named after large man-killing animals and high-powered firearms. Activist groups say it causes violence, yuppies say it tastes like poison, experienced users know it dishes out mule-kick hangovers. That's right, baby, we're talking malt liquor.

I have two favorite malt liquors, as follows:

Colt 45

This is the 40 of Colt 45 that I am drinking RIGHT NOW while I watch House and post on forums.
Clearly I am really cool.

Colt 45 malt liquor is an American icon, just like the other Colt 45. Billy Dee Williams told us that It Works Every Time, and brother, it does. It doesn't taste THAT much worse than Budweiser, and it's miles cheaper. It's strong, but not strong enough that it'll run away from you like some of the higher gravity malt liquors can.

Steel Reserve

Tallboy of SR, pictured with a regular can of Lost Lake Ice (another great cheap drinker's beverage)
and the Springfield Armory beer koozie that I got at the Trace McWhirt benefit match.

Steel Reserve, I believe, is the pinnacle of malt liquor technology. The fact that I have a clean arrest record is mostly due to the fact that I haven't found it in 40oz bottles at any liquor stores in Tulsa yet. It is strong, and yet it tastes...OK it tastes horrible, but it's more than tolerable if you get it cold enough. Be careful with it; if you drink a good amount of Steel, you will spend your night making dirty phone calls to your ex-girlfriends and the next day your head will feel like Cro Cop just kicked you in the face.

Admittedly, my malt liquor horizons are pretty limited, so I encourage you to post your favorite malt liquors or other cheap beverages. Cheap bourbons will be for another thread for another time.

DISCLAIMER: This is a gun forum so I feel like I should put something in here about drinking and guns. Do not touch any firearms if you are under the influence of alcohol. Ever. If you do I will find out about it and give you a wedgie.

MODS: This thread isn't against the rules (I checked) but if you feel this is borderline then let me know and I won't make anymore boozethreads.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Im a fan of Mickey's. I tried Steel Reserve once. That stuff is nasty

I have been avoiding Mickey's because I always thought it was like the Xyience of malt liquors. I might give it a try at some point.

Any thread about malt liquor is in poor taste.



Dont forget Thunderbird if your going the MD route



Uncivil Servant
Oct 6, 2010
SE Okla.
If you can find it.... CRAZYHORSE!! Gotta drink that **** ICE cold, tho. That or the ol' standby... OE800 Biches! Thats Olde English 800 for you pathetic honkeys...


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Oh the places this thread will go.

Any word on Side-Pocket? I've heard it's horrible but they have it down at the likka sto so I might take it for a spin at some point.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Now for the next installment in the Malt Liquor Saga

Schlitz Red Bull XL

It is REALLY hard to hold something still enough to take a good picture when you're drinking

Schlitz Blue Bull is, according to the experts at Modern Drunkard Magazine, the American classic malt liquor. The Blue Bull is a blue-collar working man's malt liquor; it is the true opiate of the masses.

Red Bull is an update for the new generation, with more "malt liquor" flavor than the "beer flavor" of old-school offerings like Blue Bull and Colt 45. There is definitely a sweet malty flavor to it though it's not overpowering like Steel Reserve. Smooth all the way down, even towards the warmer end of the bottle. It's not strong enough to be a Friday/Saturday night beverage but it will impart a pretty decent "school night" buzz.

Conclusion: look elsewhere if you're looking to seriously get your drank on, but Schlitz Red Bull is a pleasant way to spend a quiet evening.

LStevens said:
OLD English 800!!!!

I have a bottle of Olde English HG 800 in the freezer which will be the next thing I review.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
SINGHA. A first Sgt. in the army told me, there are no better women or beer than Thai. He has so far proven correct on the beer.

From what I'm told, sometimes Thai women turn out to be men.

So I promised to review Olde English HG800 but I blacked out and don't remember anything about it. Sorry folks.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
Oh last weekend I manned up and tried a 40 of Side Pocket High Gravity Ale. It's actually pretty good for something that is like $2 for a bottle. My girlfriend said it tasted like cider.


New Fanatic
Jul 20, 2011
Yukon, Ok
I just to the point of making my own. Thanks to Colby Schwartz, they passed it into law! There is nothing like a home brew.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
I went out with a girl in HS/undergrad whose dad was a homebrewer. He made good stuff.

The Christmas after we broke up I got a bottle of "Lump of Coal Holiday Stout" in the mail. The subtitle was something like "Better than you deserve this holiday season."

Incidentally I'm back on the Red Bull tonight. Still good.