Recent content by oklaccer

  1. oklaccer

    Sigtac STH400A

    I called Sig today to see what they had available. The CSR was a little short with me and sent me to the wrong item. However, he did get me close enough that I found what I needed. Thanks for the offer, but I will pass. After I put a new battery in it, it doesn't turn on, so probably not...
  2. oklaccer

    Sigtac STH400A

  3. oklaccer

    Sigtac STH400A

    Except for the markings, it looks identical.
  4. oklaccer

    Sigtac STH400A

    I recently came to own one of these optics. It has no paperwork with it and I couldn't find anything on Sigs website. My most important question, if someone knows, which battery does it take. It appears to be a standard 2032, but I would like to know for sure. I know this optic came from the...
  5. oklaccer

    Oh... Well hello!

    Welcome back. There are some matches all over the area, just pick one. The one I enjoyed most was in Pryor at Alpha Training Academy. 2nd and 3rd Saturdays. Good bunch of people.
  6. oklaccer

    Anyone Seen Open Carry?

    Two on the hip, classy one in the hand, brandishing
  7. oklaccer

    Businesses That Do NOT Support Firearms Carry

    I've OC'd in the Broken Arrow Lowes on numerous occasions, nothing but positive feedback from all. Never a negative comment, look, or anything else, from anyone.
  8. oklaccer

    Walmart to stop selling ammo. This is a link to an article with another link to the full story. Sorry for the gap, but I was having trouble makeing cut and paste work.
  9. oklaccer

    Home Invasion Suspect Shot and Killed has had a thread up for some time now.
  10. oklaccer

    AR platform Brass Catcher

    Want to get any and all feedback on a brass catcher. No competitions, just plinking in the back 80. Don't want to have to dig through the cow patties to find brass. Anyway, what have you used? How did it work for you? What would you do differently? Other recommendations? Thanks in advance for...
  11. oklaccer

    New member from Broken Arrow

    welcome to BS. There is a steel challenge in Pryor every second Saturday, lots of .22's.
  12. oklaccer

    Only in CommieFornia!

    Remember that it was California, back in the 1980's IIRC, that a burglar fell through a skylight over a high school gymnasium, and sued the school district for millions and won his case that the school was negligient for not posting signs around the skylight, thus causing him to lose his means...
  13. oklaccer

    Steel Challenge Website

    Does anyone know of any steel challenge matches in or around the Wichita area. I have a new shooter wanting to try it out.
  14. oklaccer

    Businesses That Do NOT Support Firearms Carry try this link. It still needs a lot of input from Oklahoma, but it is a start, and works nationwide.
  15. oklaccer

    Open Carry Encounters and Perception

    Thank you for the polite reply. OC or CC is a personal decision, and I fully support both. The most important point is to *C.