Schools nowadays


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
It's happening now from preschool through college. Schools are nothing but indoctrination centers. I hire a few young people straight out of high school at work, and most of them are dumb as a brick. I hate to put it that way, but it's just the truth. They can't write a coherent sentence. They can operate that damn phone though. On the other hand, I hired a young man that was home schooled. He's as sharp as a tack and will probably replace me as the manager when I retire. Young people like him are rare now.

My wife and I are thankful to God that our 1 child is grown. She is also a cancer survivor and was left unable to have children after that harrowing experience. I'm sure that took some years off my life. I also made a bad mistake and got very angry with God for a while. Don't ever do that. Things can go downhill for you very quickly. Thankfully, I was snatched back before going over the proverbial cliff. My relationship with God is much better now.

The lack of Grandchildren appears to be a blessing now. Who really wants to bring a child into this world with the way things are going? I'm just thankful that I still have my daughter and a wonderful son in law. Parents should always die before their children. I hope I do. I don't ever want to experience the loss of my child.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
Again you fellas are spot on. And yes, the schools are involved in the process, it begins early. They can not add or subtract ( let alone any advanced math skills) write a decent sentence, show up on time, start at the bottom and work up, show respect or any simple respect , even attitude. There are a few, but its rare rather than typical.
I agree with the grandchildren sentiment, CECannon, I have 3 and am terrified for them. But this new world is all they know, so I put it at the foot of the Cross. Life is a vapour.
And absolutely, a parent should never bury a child. We buried our first born 10 years ago 4-11. RIP Casey. Nearly destroyed me, actually it did for several years. But my wife and my surviving youngest daughter , and Faith in God, got me thru. More or less thru. I would not wish it on an enemy. After a long fight with God, it has ended up driving my Faith to a higher degree than ever before. Its a long and sad story, I'll stop here.
Sorry for the derail. I'm not seeking sympathy. Our school system is a mess, home schools are the only answer. As Patriots, we all have a lot of work to do. Its sort of over whelming. I've become way more involved locally, school boards, county commissioners, etc. One huge educational issue, any conservative teacher is isolated and typically moves on from teaching. Youngest daughter , taught for 4 years before basically being forced to decide, " do it our way, or leave" - she left. The brightest are treated this way. Not allowed to challenge students to think, definitely not allowed to encourage "radical" thinking or reading. Its a mess and only part of the commie agenda. The FF would be sickened. The ccp is laughing and applauding


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Again you fellas are spot on. And yes, the schools are involved in the process, it begins early. They can not add or subtract ( let alone any advanced math skills) write a decent sentence, show up on time, start at the bottom and work up, show respect or any simple respect , even attitude. There are a few, but its rare rather than typical.
I agree with the grandchildren sentiment, CECannon, I have 3 and am terrified for them. But this new world is all they know, so I put it at the foot of the Cross. Life is a vapour.
And absolutely, a parent should never bury a child. We buried our first born 10 years ago 4-11. RIP Casey. Nearly destroyed me, actually it did for several years. But my wife and my surviving youngest daughter , and Faith in God, got me thru. More or less thru. I would not wish it on an enemy. After a long fight with God, it has ended up driving my Faith to a higher degree than ever before. Its a long and sad story, I'll stop here.
Sorry for the derail. I'm not seeking sympathy. Our school system is a mess, home schools are the only answer. As Patriots, we all have a lot of work to do. Its sort of over whelming. I've become way more involved locally, school boards, county commissioners, etc. One huge educational issue, any conservative teacher is isolated and typically moves on from teaching. Youngest daughter , taught for 4 years before basically being forced to decide, " do it our way, or leave" - she left. The brightest are treated this way. Not allowed to challenge students to think, definitely not allowed to encourage "radical" thinking or reading. Its a mess and only part of the commie agenda. The FF would be sickened. The ccp is laughing and applauding
I'm sorry for the loss of your child, Switchback. I'm happy that you're a believer in God, and that He got you to where you are now.

What's happening to our country is overwhelming. I have noticed myself becoming a more nervous person with an occasional shake in my hands. I'm trying to avoid the news more, although I can't completely ignore it because I feel like I need to be ready for whatever is coming. I'm practicing at purposely calming and relaxing myself while praying more and staying occupied with things I like. Things like guns, knives, watches, this and other forums, and of course, most importantly, time with family.

I have come to enjoy this forum more than any other. We have a small circle of regulars here who all are genuine people. Because we're a small group, the communication here is less convoluted. We've gotten to know each other just a little. It's become a refuge for me. I learn a lot from all of you, and it often results in a project and spending some money. I'm looking at a set of synthetic Ruby stones now. Man, they are a bit expensive. Thanks Baboonbobo!

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
My 1st Family all went to College except for me that includes many Aunts & Uncles.
I started my life in a US Army Hospital in Louisiana & ended my US Army days in Louisiana 16.3 years later.
Never been to College 1 day in my life, lots of schools just not College.

My Fathers MOS did not let him stay in one place too long, so I went to many schools in
many Countries. Most places had Wire & MPs or SPs, BPs we lived on Bases, Stations etc.
not just Forts, one place in Panama was a Drug Lords captured Mansion on the Pacific side,
indoor swimming pool a cool place to live for 4 months.

So many schools etc with so many different kids all being kids.
First gang joined at age 9.

Some of you remember the term Cherry's for a newbe in country.

So many of the new ( never been overseas ) kids from the US were really
ignorant about how to react. Most got the S beat out of themselves then they
soon learned just why you need to be in a gang. Safety in numbers.

Growing up overseas was really exciting as the Ol Man & I went on many adventures

After we got back stateside, I got the stink eye from so many kids I shared my stories with. So I quit talking
about my adventures all together.

One quick lie, not really! ;)

We were on a cave exploring trip deep into the northern part of Panama.
5 grown Soldiers & one much smaller BRAT me, LOL.

They, including the Ol Man thought it would be cool to get a skull or 2 :eek: .
HuH? What me you want to tie my feet with a rope & lower me down into the hole
that all the a-holes believed was a Burial pit.

There was 5 of them, & I only had my Switch blade knife with me.
My equipment list.

1. 1 Hit me angle head US Army OD green flash light.
2. no spare batts.
3. :(

It felt cool and damp down there, all work had to be done hanging upside down
with 5 loud GOONs yelling at me to look here & there for any bones.

With very little light as the hit me was going dimmer by the second, I saw what they wanted
grabbed it & yelled ( Pull me up now!)

This was a scary adventure knowing there were Bush Masters & Fer-Delance Vipers all over the rocks &
jungle. All in all I am happy as all He!! I grew up overseas taught by US Army Wives for learning from
real US Army Soldiers who taught us how to survive outside the Wire.

Paned an ounce of Gold in creeks deep in Southern Mexico early 60s, sold it for $18.00 WOW I was rich LOL.

I see the results of the Communist takeover of US Schools with the help of a hell of a lot Traders who called themselves
Americans. No bullets were fired, the Commies were invited in & helped with the turn over of America to China by TRAITORS.
Last edited:


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Agree 1000% but parents really need to step up and make sure the crap the children are being taught in school is put into context and the children understand that is not the only side of any story!

Our children (31 & 35) both are smarter and have more common sense than 98% of people their age! Our oldest granddaughter (13) stays with us 3-4 nights a week so the wife can take her to school (next town over has better schools) as the daughter and sil work nights or very early mornings.

Anyways I'm happy because I get to make sure her head is on straight and to not believe everything she's told and to question everything!! Plus learn some real American history which they do not teach anymore! Or civics!

She's really getting it together

HooDoo Man

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 17, 2021
Peoples Republic of California (Northern)
Agreed whole heartedly with all your statements above. It looks like we have to go 200% more effort to get things accomplished when it used to be just standard operating procedure(normal). An abundance of stupid regulation(laws), incomitance, ignorance, and one more thing that get under my skin. The unwillingness for others that come in to our county to assimilate and become Americans and not colonize hear. I don't give a rat's ass about Cinco de Mayo or some Muslim holiday. Call me whatever you please. If you don't like it, get the F back. But the corrupt politicians on all sides love the votes and $$$$ generated by the tidal wave of incoming sheep. I come to a stop light and look around me "where the hell am I". OK, I'm done with the rant.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Agreed whole heartedly with all your statements above. It looks like we have to go 200% more effort to get things accomplished when it used to be just standard operating procedure(normal). An abundance of stupid regulation(laws), incomitance, ignorance, and one more thing that get under my skin. The unwillingness for others that come in to our county to assimilate and become Americans and not colonize hear. I don't give a rat's ass about Cinco de Mayo or some Muslim holiday. Call me whatever you please. If you don't like it, get the F back. But the corrupt politicians on all sides love the votes and $$$$ generated by the tidal wave of incoming sheep. I come to a stop light and look around me "where the hell am I". OK, I'm done with the rant.
I can relate to everything you just said. I go to the grocery store and feel like I'm the damn foreigner. On top of that, there are women wearing mooslim garb. I think shooting and yelling " alluha akbar" is going to break out at any moment. On the rare occasion that they look at me, I can feel the hate. The same words run through my mind, "where the hell am I?" lit my fuse. I'll stop now.

HooDoo Man

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 17, 2021
Peoples Republic of California (Northern)
I can relate to everything you just said. I go to the grocery store and feel like I'm the damn foreigner. On top of that, there are women wearing mooslim garb. I think shooting and yelling " alluha akbar" is going to break out at any moment. On the rare occasion that they look at me, I can feel the hate. The same words run through my mind, "where the hell am I?" lit my fuse. I'll stop now.
They hate us because they know they don't belong here, and you won't give in. Not in there game plan. MAGA.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina

They hate us because they know they don't belong here, and you won't give in. Not in there game plan. MAGA.
You're right. I see no sign of assimilation. Then they pay for their groceries with a card with our flag on it. You know what that is. They hate me, but I'm paying for their food and who knows what else. The only reason they are here is for dem votes, at what cost? It's enough to make me glad that I've already lived most of my life.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
You guys are all correct, its creeping in to Montana. Why? Oh why would they come to the great white north? Lotta snow up here!
They don't fit in nor do they try to fit in. Don't converse in English, wear the garb of their own backward azz country, but yet there are things wrong in the USA? Certainly there are , but compared to what? Assimilate? Isn't that why you're here? Oh, I see, no it's not, we are supposed to support you and bend to your way of life. Not a chance. I hate when I see some stupid white liberal kowtow to one, with hatred in their eyes. Pandering fools


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 17, 2021
Guys and Gals, this is strictly my opinion please take it as such... I have spent a very large portion of my life in a low simmer rage (self-inflicted and taught) from growing up in a Texas border town to 20+ years of military service + 10 more years of military contractor life. I've done my best at my jobs, paid my tax bills, been a semi-upstanding citizen and have not been a beggar, borrower or money lender (the biblical version). I've lived thru and seen and experienced the same things many of you have including not being one of the folks blessed (or not) with children (my bloodline ends with me). I have decided to live whatever life I have left, on my may seem naive, but I no longer rage at the machine and all its' injustices in life. I can't afford too... politicians, ethnic groups, left or right side, changing climate, pandemics...will drive the joy of just living outta you if we let it. I can still fish the Gulf, sleep under stars, drive fast (sometimes), love my wife, share stories with friends (and online friends) talk sh*t, drink really good alcohol and a hundred other blessings that have been given to me because of the country of my birth and just plain good luck. I will defend this country until they pry the HoverRound steering wheel from my cold dead (DUI) fingers! But until then, I chose to let fate take us wherever we must go, I will fight the good fight, but plan on enjoying the best this country has to offer...until its all gone, or I am. I will stand with you all when and if we must, till then I will be the calmest, happiest-as-can-be MFker in the Valley for I will fear no Evil!


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Guys and Gals, this is strictly my opinion please take it as such... I have spent a very large portion of my life in a low simmer rage (self-inflicted and taught) from growing up in a Texas border town to 20+ years of military service + 10 more years of military contractor life. I've done my best at my jobs, paid my tax bills, been a semi-upstanding citizen and have not been a beggar, borrower or money lender (the biblical version). I've lived thru and seen and experienced the same things many of you have including not being one of the folks blessed (or not) with children (my bloodline ends with me). I have decided to live whatever life I have left, on my may seem naive, but I no longer rage at the machine and all its' injustices in life. I can't afford too... politicians, ethnic groups, left or right side, changing climate, pandemics...will drive the joy of just living outta you if we let it. I can still fish the Gulf, sleep under stars, drive fast (sometimes), love my wife, share stories with friends (and online friends) talk sh*t, drink really good alcohol and a hundred other blessings that have been given to me because of the country of my birth and just plain good luck. I will defend this country until they pry the HoverRound steering wheel from my cold dead (DUI) fingers! But until then, I chose to let fate take us wherever we must go, I will fight the good fight, but plan on enjoying the best this country has to offer...until its all gone, or I am. I will stand with you all when and if we must, till then I will be the calmest, happiest-as-can-be MFker in the Valley for I will fear no Evil!
Well said, but difficult for some of us in these times.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
PanhandelerFL, I want to be that guy, I really do. I'm laid back, do my own stuff and really don't care what anyone else does, until what they do has an impact on my life, my country, my family. Thats where I draw the line. I don't understand so very much these days, but can't comprehend why one would immigrate (legally or not) to a country that is so evil? If your way is so much better than ours, just stay home!! Pretty simple. I hope you don't take my thoughts wrong, you've got it figured out, I don't. I wish it didn't bother me, but it does.


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 17, 2021
Well said, but difficult for some of us in these times.
CECannon, in no way did I mean to come across as having a blueprint anyone else should follow (Lord knows I almost never get it right the first time). We all must follow our own paths, in my case I have changed strategy from a militant path to one more suited to guy heading towards the sunset more than coming in up in the sunrise. I volunteer for very local R council, district reps, the small movers and shakers who control only small areas but can make life miserable for opponent sides. I get I'm one vote for Congress/Senators/Presidents...but local politics sometimes plays its role affecting the National moves politicians may make. Sheriff's who refuse to follow bad mandates such as creating sanctuary cities, city councils who refuse to budge on leftist demands and so on. Little "shopping local" in politics and trying to shore up the big boys support system at home. Sorry if I came across as some old warhorse put to pasture, I should have explained better. I'm now that annoying person knocking on your door at dinner asking for a second of your time to discuss why you should vote for my folks. I've used the saying "You be You," I wish that upon you all...You Be YOU! I'm just happy to be among such as all of You!

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