Hey guys! It's Open Carry Day tomorrow!


Sep 17, 2010
Norman, OK
The guys with the shoes are the ones we have to worry about. :) I just hope the slack jawed types don't take this opportunity to set back 2-A rights for the real gun guys.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
Assuming this is directed toward me, YouTube is full of the type of "disasters" that I am talking about, so I wouldn't say that I am talking nonsense.

As far as YOU TUBE goes... those folks generally are in a different situation due to convoluted laws in the states they live in. If you pay close attention- they are asked for ID. That's great... and therein lies the problem. The act of open carry is not a violation of the law. The officer asked for ID.

Asking a citizen to produce ID if they are not suspected of a crime (and in every video I've scene the officer never expresses suspicion) kinda stretches several of those Bill of Rights bullet points. The point of those videos is - you can't hassle me for NOT breaking the law. And some of these numbnuts are sucessful in getting the officer to back down and beating the charge in court when cited in error. Maybe you have a problem with that- I don't.

the other You tube variety is Californians who where trying to push an unloaded open carry agenda - that backfired. Lesson to all of you- the govt.com can change any law... one day California will have a full blown revolt by the freedom loving majority or they well just move to Oklahom, Arizona, Nevada, etc...

Oklahoma adressed that with some clear cut rules... get challenged for the open gun...show your papers and move along. NO permit or ID- your going for a ride. Pretty simple.


Sep 17, 2010
Norman, OK
I am saying that stuff is a TERRIBLE PR move. It simply reinforces loads of negative sterotypes about firearms types, puts police officers (usually just good men trying to do the best job they can) in bad positions, and fires up the folks that want to take those rights away. That California backfire you mentioned is an example of exactly what I am talking about. You go out looking for a fight like that, eventually you are going to get one. And you may not like how it turns out.


Mighty Righty
Sep 18, 2010
Oklahoma City, OK
I'm wanting a nice seamless transition to the ability to open carry with a CHL, transitioning nicely into carry whatever no one cares it's not against the law. But I get what Chris is saying, if we get a bunch of nutters running around being dumb I'm thinking this process will be held up. I'm just happy that I can take my coat off in the car, get out to pump gas etc. and be good.

Regarding those videos, those people are generally dicks, but I do feel those kind of things need to be done, just in a less pain in the ass way. There are states where you are not required to produce ID for police officers unless certain criteria are met, and the officers, who are really just obeying what is probably department policy are caught in a frankly retarded situation. I'd personally find it a bit poetic if the officer just strolled up and said something like "nice weather we're having isn't it." They could make eye contact with the person and observe them a bit to see what was going on and that would probably be enough to tell them what they needed to know about the situation. It would also avoid giving some of those people the conflict they seem to desire so much.

Burk Cornelius

Regular guy
Jan 18, 2011
Then... you gasp a great sigh of relief when you "get some of your rights" back when the SDA passes... (pay a user fee so you can carry a gun- the only "real" qualification is you can cough up enough money to get through the process)

I didn't quite follow everything you wrote, Jeff BUT I will 100% agree with this portion. I have been saying this ever since we were "allowed" to carry concealed back in 1996


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
Man I hope there's not a plethora of idiots out there who want to try to bait cops with this.

Poop... Great pic. Spiderman made it.

Funny thing... several Cheifs in the state made statements to the media that they would "bait citizens" if they open carried.

The new law is clear... if challenged the you need to produce ID and a SDA card. The officer can't cite you for any "disturbing the peace" or whatever he can think of, demand or inspect the firearm... Produce the papers and move along.

And I can't think of any cop who can't read a person well before they get into a contact. Yea--- sometimes it's wrong,,, but people who have intent usually have some precursive behaviors. I'd have to think that most agencies have been dealing with goblins enough to tell the difference between a idiot with a gun and a bald middle aged guy like me who's out riding a horse along a dirt road someplace.

Larry Mullican

Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 17, 2011
Edmond, oklahoma
I informed my neighbors a couple days ago of the slight possibility of my wife and I having an open holstered firearm. Wanted to make sure they were aware of the new law, so they didn't freak and call the police. They were cool with the idea and own a number of guns themselves. The more public awareness of the possibility of people open carrying, the less likely people will be surprised, and the fewer calls the Law Enforcement will get because of the uninformed public that hasn't kept up with the news. I was surprised at a recent match of someone with a carry permit that had no idea Oklahoma even had this new law. :O


Oct 26, 2010
Moore, Ok
Funny thing... several Cheifs in the state made statements to the media that they would "bait citizens" if they open carried.

The new law is clear... if challenged the you need to produce ID and a SDA card. The officer can't cite you for any "disturbing the peace" or whatever he can think of, demand or inspect the firearm... Produce the papers and move along.

And I can't think of any cop who can't read a person well before they get into a contact. Yea--- sometimes it's wrong,,, but people who have intent usually have some precursive behaviors. I'd have to think that most agencies have been dealing with goblins enough to tell the difference between a idiot with a gun and a bald middle aged guy like me who's out riding a horse along a dirt road someplace.

Can you direct me to the source(s) of your first statement. I want to see this for myself, and quite frankly will be ashamed and embarrassed if this were true.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
Troy... I wont labor the point. Whetsell... the Sherrif over in Rodgers Co- Claremore....several self identified cops on "the other board"... have all made statements that "they would stop anyone they see with a gun"..in the context of "I dont give a crap about the new law-. you can go back over the summer and look up the stuff for yourself. The OCK cheif was pretty anti during the legislative session.

I notice the rhetoric has changed the closer the day gets... and most agencies have made press releases about officer training. If you carry- dont be militant and if your enforcing the law- play it as it lays.


Oct 26, 2010
Moore, Ok
Ok....I do recall some big LEOs expressing their concerns over the Legislation as it was coming up. I think many were concerned from the standpoint of call volume and the burden it "would" place on us.

I don't think anyone is going to have an issue with LEOs in the metro area. Our DAs have been consulted and every department I've talked to is basically on the same page about how we will handle these calls (few calls I hope).

One of the Department Heads you mentioned has sent my Open Carry PowerPoint to his officers, to bolster their training. I have not seen it as it was sent out, and I hope it wasn't bastardized.

Anyone who knows me, or who has read posts from me, can tell that I am a sensible kind of my. My officers are going to presume someone is in compliance with the law until it is determined they are not. And when in a grey area, we will take the totality of circumstances and apply some common sense.

My personal view is that Open Carry is not tactically sound, but that doesn't mean I am against it. I support a person's right to carry, even when it conflicts with my ideas about what is or isn't a good idea.

My everyday "uniform" is basically not a uniform. I look more like a State Department "Contractor" than a LEO. I open carry everyday in that capacity, when performing my duties. The public doesnt seem to notice. So I just don't see this being a HUGE issue. Unless the OC'r chooses to make it an issue. YMMV.


Semi-Pro/Beep that SH!T
Jan 10, 2011
Find out who all is trying to bait Someone into getting arrested, make a list and either vote them out or vote who ever is in charge of them. And let them know your doing it.


Oct 26, 2010
Moore, Ok
I've been trying to wrap my head around "baiting" someone into violating the SDA, and I'm drawing a blank. You're either legal or you're not. Maybe my mind isn't devious enough.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
I've been trying to wrap my head around "baiting" someone into violating the SDA, and I'm drawing a blank. You're either legal or you're not. Maybe my mind isn't devious enough.

I know this one small town officer does not represent everybody in small town law enforcement... I had a discussion with a small town officer over the summer.

We would see each other around town several times a week... sometimes at the same place for breakfast. It went like this. "I may open carry everyday after the new law passes"... and he replied "and I will check you everytime I see you". Of course- thats the condensed version.

After several attempts to overcome some very circular reasoning I let him know if he was, serious- he should let the city manager know.. so they up the city insurance policy. I know Bryan Hull has had some similar stories (and discussions) on the same tack--- as recent as a couple of weeks ago with a Altus Officer.

I am glad the officer training is going well. It had too--- OML and another group had to hire a lawyer to write a position paper last month to "explain" the new law to a bunch of City Manager and Police Cheif types.

This will be a non-event... as it is in 30+ other states were people carry openly every day.


Skilled Lover
Jan 15, 2011
One of the Department Heads you mentioned has sent my Open Carry PowerPoint to his officers, to bolster their training.

Would it be to much to ask if you showed us your powerpoint? Or is there secret LEO only content in it? I"m just curious.


Oct 26, 2010
Moore, Ok
I have no issue with that. I will need to get permission from my command staff since I prepared it on duty. It actually belongs to my employer.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
i don't plan on o

pen carry, just everytime someone looks at me wrong i will lift my shirt up...

Do that in certain parts of OKC and your audience will black out from blood rushing out of the brain Ben Ben
In other parts of Oklahoma--- they will just shake their head and "wonder whats wrong with that boy"


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
I've already said what my reaction is going to be. HoHumm.
That being said, even though some person goes into a business wearing a stetson, and a pair of chrome plated Colt 45's on their hip, as an attention whore would to draw attention to themselves, I wouldn't give them anymore attention that I would some somebody wearing a mowhawk and purple hair.
Its just their thing, and they have a right to do it.
I'll defend that right.
All of the news channels in Oklahoma have reported on the new law. Its been in the newspapers, and voiced on the radio.
I pretty much think its going to be a non-event, and we as a gun supporting forum are expressing a fear of what is not going to happen. People are not going to run in fear, there will be no blood in the streets, and women aren't going to swoon over a manly man toting a sidearm.
I've read the same reports of community LE departments saying they were going to react, but since then, the retoric has settled down as they became educated themselves.
Have a happy Nov 1.

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