Eric Gambill Shooting Log


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Your not working on off balance shooting right until you feel like you should have stretched before you dryfired...



I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
I'll see if I can swing it. Govt shutdown hit me today....I might not be going anywhere to shoot other than Nats
Sep 17, 2010
Eric Gambill said:
I'll see if I can swing it. Govt shutdown hit me today....I might not be going anywhere to shoot other than Nats
I feel your pain; shutdown hit wife too.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
mike cyrwus said:
looking like rain on sat morn; might not be the best match to drive to...
Ya and scattered showers down in Wichita Falls for the double tap match. I might just have to go to our range and hit up a live fire session.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Gubberment furlough is crappy for my bank account but oh so good for my training schedule. I'm doing 2 dryfire sessions a day now and some stretching/plyometrics to improve my quickness. My original training plan had me doing two different drills a day, one movement based drill and one gunhandling/accuracy based drill. I've taken that plan and doubled it so that I'm doing those two drills twice a day. I'm not real sure if it would be better to get more reps on the skill sets from the two drills (by doing them twice) or to work on 4 different drills all together throughout the day. Either way I'm going to be as prepared as I have ever been for this nationals.

Right now I'm using hardcover and no shoots to reduce the size of the A zone on all my dryfire targets. I'm also doing the drills at least twice as far as prescribed in the text. When I get down to the week of the match I'm going back to wide open targets and dialing up the speed a bit. One thing I've learned from using these hard targets is that if you don't spend a little time working on open targets you don't pay them enough respect. I find myself pulling off the A zone a lot because the targets are so much easier. That translates into great hits on penalty targets but A/C or C/C on the open ones.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Its been an outstanding week of dryfire. I've been working almost 2 hours a day on my training plan and things are coming together. Right now it really feels like the gun is pinned to a mount while i'm working through the drills...the sights are just solid. Reloads are feeling great also. Best of all, the sights just look better to me than they ever have.

I'm confident and motivated. The weekend is here and I'm going to take full advantage of my days off. Live fire session in the morning then exxxxtra long dryfire tomm night and Saturday same schedule. I'm then looking a couple more days of dryfire and one more live fire session before we leave next week.

I read an article the other day that I thought I would pass on:

This got me thinking about the off season a little bit. I know I and a lot of people practice in a similiar fashion. You have X amount of reps you do of a drill as prescribed by a training plan. Example: 15 freestyle draws, 15 wrists above shoulders draws...

This article talks about a more deliberate practice where you set goals for the practice. I'm thinking that this might be a great way to bridge the consistency gap that I have. Instead of saying I'm going to do 15 freestyle draws, why not be more deliberate about it and say I'm going to stand here and do draws until I get 25 draws with a perfect grip under 1 second. Now you might do 75 draws overall until you reach that goal but I dont see that as a bad thing. The only problem I see is the time involved with it. Most people have a set amount of time they can do practice.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Had a great training weekend. Got two live fire sessions in, some dry fire and loaded up some match bullets.

In the first live fire I worked SHO/WHO shooting at 25yds. I threw some deltas out there with my weakhand but other than that things went well. I then went and set a small stage with a swinger to get some work on that. Looks like theres a lot of swingers at Nats so I wanted to train up.

Day two of live fire I started out in the steel bay. Spent a good amount of time on the plate racks @ 10-25yds. Once I finally got in to 10yds the plates looked like they were 12". My first two runs were 2.67 and records for me. I moved on to a stand and shoot drill with a lot of hardcover targets. I mixed up the sequence and number of shots required to keep it interesting. Ended up with more swinger work with a hardcover swinger target.

I might get one more live fire session in before wednesday but I will be hitting the dryfire everday until we leave.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Walked most of the nationals stages today. After seeing them close up I am really excited. They seem to play into my strengths really well and I have a good stage plan on all of them. Its really cool to see a match built just for production shooters. You can really tell that the stages were designed to separate the men from the boys in some areas. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I don't think I saw a target over 15 yards. I kinda thought we would get some distance shooting, the Utah nats had a stage (6x24) that had 25 yard SHO targets.


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Season's over for me. I finished 54th overall, 14th Master at Production Nationals. I feel like I shot well. I had 2 mikes over 18 stages and ended up with 84.92% of the available points. My match score was 71% of the world champion.

That finish is well below what I expected. I had three gun malfunctions on three different stages that cost me ALOT of match points. Its very frustrating to work so hard and have my finish effected by gun problems. It's totally my fault though, I should have replaced springs and parts and tested the gun before nats. Nothing to do about it now so lets move on to the summary of the season:

Cowtown Classic: 4th Master, 6th Overall.
Double Tap Championship: 8th Master, 16th Overall
Area 3: 4th Master, 10th Overall
Area 4: 4th Master, 9th Overall
Production Nationals: 14th Master, 54th Overall

In major matches this year I shot an average of 85.29% of the available points after penalties. 1192 Alphas, 31 Bravos, 336 Charlies, 52 Deltas and 17 Mikes. I had ZERO hits on no shoots this year and one procedural penalty.

In club matches this year I shot an average of 89.82% of the available points after penalties. 816 Alphas, 12 Bravos, 162 Charlies, 28 Deltas and 4 Mikes. I again had ZERO no shoot hits (Didnt hit one all year!) and also zero procedurals. My classifer numbers are up and I shot two 100% classifiers this year.

At this point I have a good idea what my major problems are. The numbers above tell me that I am struggling with accuracy. I have made a lot of improvements but I have to get that Alpha count up. Along with the accuracy issue is extra shots and misses on steel. At nationals, extra shots on steel cost me a lot of stage time and messed up my timing on moving targets.

Theres a good possiblity that I am switching guns for next season. That means a lot of hard work on the basics and fundementals in dryfire until I get my skill level back even with what it is now with the Glock. I pretty curious how long thats going to take, I feel like it wont be long. We'll see, right now I'm taking a well deserved break.

I want to take this opportunity to thank for allowing me to ramble on this shooting log and for running such and awesome forum. Everywhere I went this year I saw BS logo's on shirts and as stage sponsors. They are giving a lot back to the community.

I would also like to thank Jeremy Moore at The Shooters Source for his sponsorship this season. I also saw his banner at many matches this season as a stage sponsor and he has donated prizes here on this forum and at matches.

Dustin Cantrell

Well-Known Fanatic
May 15, 2012
Cushing, OK
I don't really post in this thread so that it can stay on topic as a shooting log, but please keep posting. While I'm not responding in the thread, I do enjoy reading your posts. P.S., which gun are you going to switch to?


I shoot.
Jan 24, 2011
Please dont ever feel like your going to get me off topic. I encourage anyone to post here if they want. Everyone has a different perspective on shooting and if you (Dustin) or anyone else wants to hash out something im talking about or anything else...lets go for it.

As for the gun theres two routes. I have a line on a CZ Shadow or I can go to the open gun. My buddies want me to stay in production with the CZ because they feel like i am about to break a last plateau. I have always been drawn to open because its just so damn fun. I dont have a real preference either way but I do know something is going to change

The Antichrome

Sep 21, 2010
Fort Smith, AR
Eric Gambill said:
Interesting article.
Dan Coyle delves into the theory of 'Deep Practice' in his book "The Talent Code"
Gladwell's book, Outliers' also points out the 'Rule of 10' but uses the Beatles instead of Mozart for his example.
When their masterworks, The White Album, and Revolver, were released, they had been at it for almost 10 years.