Banned over there were ye?


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 27, 2018
Richmond, VA
I rarely post on forums, as everything (no matter what forum) has become so divisive. I mostly lurk in the background.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I rarely post on forums, as everything (no matter what forum) has become so divisive. I mostly lurk in the background.

Like watching the fake news, & I don't at all. Why lurk?
If like on Monday when I was RSO. Everyone spoke their mind out at the GUN range :eek:.

Something is dead wrong if we can not speak about what happened to the 2020 election.
Or Politics. Are not we the people in charge? Who elected the people to control our lives?
Keep the political crap at bay. Ask members to keep the political posts on places like parler.
What will it be next? Any talk about fishing or hunting because some imature Snowflake found
a way to get their parents to accept their WOKE crap as the new normal.

This so called political CRAP has taken control of our entire culture & nation, if we do not take it on now, we never will.

IMHO Parler is just another lonely hearts club for so many lonely people. Don't people have lives anymore?

However this place Fanatics is Blackbeards camp, & I am here at his pleasure.
If he want's me to, I will no longer reply to anything but subjects about the 1911.

There were members on 3 1911 forums asking the Supermods to ban me then and there for talking about the 2020 elections
and being banned on 1911 Addicts..

Nothing surprises me anymore, so the Communist are taking over the freest Nation in the entire World. Who cares? Lets talk
around the truth from now on, just let the Government take care of my life. Where's my check????


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Keep the political crap at bay. Ask members to keep the political posts on places like parler.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we didn't HAVE to talk about politics!?
I agree with you 99% of the time but this is one where we need to speak more about it and not just give in. Whether you are a gun lover or just simply a 1st and 2nd amendment supporting American you MUST engage in political talk!
Can it get carried away? Sure but I don't know how to support gun owners without talking politics, especially these days.

Such as this morning and Facebook upholding the permanent ban of President Trump on their platform! Twitter won't even consider ever letting him on again, this is all crap! All based on a lie and far less than Maxine waters did two weeks ago at an anti police protest because "orange man bad"

What foreign leader will they ban next???
It's out of hand and that's why we must talk politics!!!
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Staff member
Fanatic Family
Nov 30, 2011
Politics, religion, and who's doing who ---things that really don't add much value to the day.

However they do help pass the time.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 6, 2018
I got a temporary ban for "Not following moderator instructions". I think it was because I wasn't 100% complementary about a for sale $5,000 Yost Hi Power that looked effing stupid with a long beavertail and mat frame with high gloss slide. I was much more diplomatic about it but I guess one has to like everything there.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 29, 2020
Guess I'm in good banned for using the term obozo...guess truth hurts.

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