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  1. D

    List of places NOT to live

    Pretty sure I wouldn't rule out Alaska based on that reason!
  2. D

    Pregnant Concealed Carry

    I wanted to post an update to this. I've had trouble with shoulder holsters this entire pregnancy for various reasons, so I was ecstatic to discover that they now make side-panel maternity jeans that come complete with belt loops. Of course, due to where they sit, you'll need to up-size your...
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    Gun Turn-in/ Buyback event in Sumter

    We didn't get any photos but WISTV has some video footage. We met another gentleman who had staked out the second location. We were also told that one or two other groups of private buyers had been at our location earlier but had been set up on private property and asked to leave.
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    Gun Turn-in/ Buyback event in Sumter

    Well, we didn't get anything but the cops didn't get much either. They actually had to close up shop early at the one location due to running out of gift cards... thanks in part to a dealer who dropped off a load of useless, worthless stuff and got all the $$$. Talked to someone else who had...
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    Gun Turn-in/ Buyback event in Sumter

    Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend, then...
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    Help with cross-eye dominant shooter issues

    Definitely get out to the range to get some familiarity with the rifle before going to Appleseed. She will run into difficulty during Appleseed though, if she's tilting her head over to use the other eye. Either shoot left handed and left eye, or right handed right eye (by closing the left eye...
  7. D

    Help with cross-eye dominant shooter issues

    Switch hands. I'm left handed but right eye dominant. I shoot pistols left handed, shotguns right handed, and I usually shoot rifle's right handed but I'm very ambidextrous. When I shoot rifles left handed, I make sure to close my dominant (right) eye so that I am using the correct eye. I...
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    ShootzenFest - June 15 at Boggy Head Range

    Unfortunately, we are out. I've been asked to take over an Appleseed in Charlotte that weekend.
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    South Carolina's gun laws get worse!

    What about Arizona and Vermont, then?
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    South Carolina's gun laws get worse!

    ...Sooo, what exactly does that have to do with constitutional carry?
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    What is Liberty Worth to You?

    John Adams said ?Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.? We may never truly know what it cost them, but you can...
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    Constitutional Carry Update? Try taking some of the logic here and applying it to other enumerated rights. The results become amusing very quickly.
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    Learn About the First Fight to keep and bear Arms

    The other locations are not currently posted because we just finished the first shoot at the new range. :D Our new SC location is Savannah River Rifle & Pistol club in Batesburg-Leesville. We are working to get another shoot at that location ASAP. Our next Gaston shoot will also be April...
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    South Carolina Appleseed

    Bump! The Batesburg-Leesville shoot is fast approaching! This is going to be an extra-special shoot, we have some very talented instructors coming from out of state in addition to our excellent South Carolina cadre! Active duty military, LEOs shoot for free! Ladies shoot for only $40 and...
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    Camden - Liberty Seed

    Don't have the time for a full Appleseed weekend right now? Come hear the most important part of what we do - for free! Paul Revere?s Ride and the First Day of the American Revolution Kershaw County Library, Camden location 1304 Broad Street Wednesday, April 10th 6:30pm Hear the story of...
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    Here's the NRA's compromise

    Enjay, have you read "My Brother Ron"? If not, you should. Right on the subject here.
  17. D

    New Marlin Appleseed LTR

    Marlin and Project Appleseed are happy to announce the first factory Liberty Training Rifle! This Marlin 795 will come with tech sights, sling, extra magazine, engraving, and - if you act quickly enough - a gift certificate for a free Appleseed weekend! How many rifles come with two days of...
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    Bathtub bladder on sale at Amazon

    Hardly, thank Uncle Sam.
  19. D

    Bathtub bladder on sale at Amazon

    We've got one next to every bathtub!
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    Make your own rules BS!

    While I completely agree with this in theory, we know it's not the case right now. I don't think most felonies should be prohibiting, heck I don't think most felonies should be felonies.