Hickok45 announces he can no longer support the NRA


Staff member
Fanatic Family
Nov 30, 2011
As a result of all of the recent internal controversies at the NRA Hickok45 and his son announced in their new video that they can no longer support the NRA.
The NRA has been embroiled in a number of scandals recently. Oliver North attempted to oust Wayne LaPierre earlier in the year. The fallout from that move continues to unfold in a series of lawsuits between media media contractor Ackerman McQueen and the NRA. The lawsuits allege financial improprieties from both sides.


Mike D

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 13, 2018
Greenwood, Indiana
There was a lot of bad blood traveling through the halls at the convention this year. Mostly in the form of second hand info, and such, but not much in the form of fact. I don't think this will be the last "separation, or divorce" between the organization and some of their longtime supporters. Like they mention in the video, maybe, over time, they will get things in shape. I have always been bothered by the "lavish lifestyle" reports and stories that have been around for a long time. Hope they can fix it!

Jammer Six

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 8, 2018
At my range, it was a requirement to join the range, and I was. It was also a requirement to get instructor certs, and again, I was. Then I dropped the NRA over our differences.

I haven't needed to join my range again, since my membership is for life.

The NRA still renews my certs if I'm involved in a certain number of classes per year.


New Fanatic
Jun 26, 2019
As a result of all of the recent internal controversies at the NRA Hickok45 and his son announced in their new video that they can no longer support the NRA.
The NRA has been embroiled in a number of scandals recently. Oliver North attempted to oust Wayne LaPierre earlier in the year. The fallout from that move continues to unfold in a series of lawsuits between media media contractor Ackerman McQueen and the NRA. The lawsuits allege financial improprieties from both sides.

It's time for Wayne LaPierre to be fired, this crisis is one of his creation. OUR NRA is being destroyed from within and it's predominately Wayne's fault! His outrageous salary is but one example of his disregard for OUR NRA. It is absurd in the best of times but made more so since the organization is in huge debt. No golden parachutes, no multimillion dollar salaries, no nepotism. NRA needs to run like a business! It should be a meritocracy and all pay should be performance based not a license to steal based on self serving individuals! Fire Wayne NOW!


Jun 26, 2019
As a result of all of the recent internal controversies at the NRA Hickok45 and his son announced in their new video that they can no longer support the NRA.
The NRA has been embroiled in a number of scandals recently. Oliver North attempted to oust Wayne LaPierre earlier in the year. The fallout from that move continues to unfold in a series of lawsuits between media media contractor Ackerman McQueen and the NRA. The lawsuits allege financial improprieties from both sides.

We need an effective NRA now more than ever. Is anyone aware of the bylaws well enough to mount a grassroots solution?


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 19, 2018
I was a big supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project. But as often happens when people have control of "free money" they get greedy; lavish meals, vacation style travel and first class accommodations at luxury resorts. They soon forget their real purpose in being there. They cleaned up their act and ousted a lot of people that were abusing the system, but I don't think they have completely recovered from the scandal. Apparently the same thing has happened to the NRA. When there's no serious accountability of money spent it's easy to cross over that moral line. It's easily rationalized by saying that they are underpaid or not paid at all, so therefore any money spent lavishly is their just due. This can include meetings at 5 star resorts with their family, first class travel and loosely monitored expense accounts. When it all falls apart, usually by those involved in the organization but not quite on the real insider group, there is a lot of residual damage difficult to repair.


New Fanatic
Jun 26, 2019
I agree that it is time to pull the plug on LaPierre and his lavish life style. It is up to the board of directors to stand up and be heard. Fire everyone that is connected to this problem. If LaPierre was sincere about the 2nd he would simply resign.