Twin Ponds Photos


Oct 5, 2009
Charlotte, NC
I have posted some pics on the main page from the Twin Ponds cleanup on Oct 31-09.
It was a great outing. They estimated around 100 people showed up. I took some pics early on and the lens fogged up on me. the humidity was pretty thick.

Anyway, these aren't for a photo contest they are just to give and idea of what it was about.
The people we great! I met a lot of like minded people. Real nice folks.
The project was planned for 8:AM to 1:pM and then a cookout to follow. we were done in 2 hours.

The forestry service brought in a front end loader and and some dirt to create a short burm at 25 yards for pistol shooting. They also said they were going to try and maintain some target stands. The front end loader made short work of it.

The cookout was good too. There was more than plenty of food including some wild pig as a pulled pork bbq.

They want to do this a couple of times a year and alternate between Twin Ponds and Boggy Head. As long as they they make a semi-anual event they may be able to get a decent turnout.

I was told by the range manager that it was closed because of vandalism. Some turds shot the signs and the shelter. The local people tried for three months to get it opened again. Then someone contacted a senator and the cleanup project was planned and announced in a week or so. The moral of the story is, if we take care of our national forests we can use our pester-quota for the senators for other worthwhile topics.

