The Gun Show Loohole

Burk Cornelius

Regular guy
Jan 18, 2011
The Gun Show Loophole
by Kirk Broyles

Can anyone tell me what this is?? Honestly I didn’t know for a long time. It actually took me several days searching and reading many articles before I realized exactly what this was. You see as a Firearms Dealer I knew that the dealers set up at gun shows were upholding the law and doing the FBI background checks on purchases. So I asked some friends. They thought that maybe sales were happening in other states with different laws, without a background check. To which I argued, "Couldn’t be, 'cause it’s a federal law, not state." So dealers everywhere are required do to a background check on every single transaction they do. SO THEN, WHAT IS THIS "GUN SHOW LOOP HOLE"? I thought maybe someone had found an exemption to having a background check. Maybe there's a little known law that a certain group or groups are exempt from being checked. So I called some friends that I knew would know, and would share it with me. None of them could actually tell me. Each had a slightly different explanation. So I chased each of their explanations to the end with no clear resolution. So, as a FFL holder I have an ATF Case Manager to ask questions of. I thought for sure this would provide the answer. Well, after nearly 1 hour on phone and being transferred 3 times I said thank you and hung up without an answer.

SO WHAT IS THE "GUN SHOW LOOP HOLE" THAT POLITICIANS KEEP REFERRING TO?? This morning I found my answer. The city of Seattle held a “Gun Buy Back” this past week. While people by the thousands lined up to get a $200 gift card for pistols, rifles and shotguns, and a $300 gift card for “Assault Type Firearms”, private citizens also set up and offered cash and FAIR MARKET VALUE to those in line waiting to sell their guns to the government. This didn’t set well with the Chief of Police who was in charge of the buy back. He was quoted as saying that “this is where the GUN SHOW LOOP HOLE needs closed.”

Eureka!!! SO this is what all those left wing politicians are always harping about. THEY DON’T LIKE IT THAT I CAN BUY AND SELL PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT THEIR OVERSIGHT. They want to place controls on my private property. They want me to pay more when I sell it. And they want me to pay more when I buy it from a private seller. THEY WANT CONTROL!!! It’s not hard to see that when they have this control that they WILL start taxing the hell out of every transaction. Additionally, when they know every firearm that legal civilian firearms owners have, they can force registration without a fight. This is their end state, TAXES AND REGISTRATION.

Now some of you may be saying, “So what? So they want every transaction to go through a dealer so that it can have a background check, what’s the big deal?” Let me answer that for you.

First In order to know that I sold a firearm without a dealer transaction all my FIREARMS MUST BE REGISTERED. Otherwise how will they know I sold it to someone else? Firearms registration is an absolute NOGO. There are only two reasons to register firearms, TAXATION AND CONFISCATION.

Second As a Federal Firearms License holder I am required to submit a Government Form 4473 on every transaction. When this form came into existence over a decade ago it was in the legislation that these forms would only be maintained for a certain amount of time and then destroyed by the FFL dealer. Shortly after they came into affect the part about DESTROYING THEM GOT SUSPENDED. I am now required to maintain them indefinitely and if I lose or forfeit my license I must turn over all Fm 4473’s to the ATF. They can develop a NATIONAL REGISTRY with these forms without ever asking you. If they have a Fm 4473 on every transaction both dealer and private a national registry will be as simple as building the data base, AND YOU WONT HAVE A THING TO SAY ABOUT IT.

Third Do criminals obtain legal guns legally? NO, they do not. The majority of criminals using firearms to commit crimes have obtained their firearms illegally. They have never had a legal transaction in which they used a dealer or filled out a Gov Fm 4473. They have never had a background check to obtain a firearm. SO HOW WILL THIS MESSURE EVER PREVENT A CRIMINAL FROM OBTAINING A FIREARM?? IT WONT!!! If you believe that anything more than 1% of firearms used to commit crimes would have been blocked by closing the “Gun Show Loop Hole” you are an idiot. If you believe that the government wants to close this “Loop Hole” in order to prevent crime you are even a bigger idiot.

This is the backdoor. That’s all it is. That’s why they are pushing for. And they don’t think anyone will notice. They don’t think anyone will care. I hear people all the time say, “Well, I’m not for gun control. But, I think they need to close the Gun Show Loop Hole.” Stop listening to the lies and buying the propaganda, CRIMINALS ARENT GOING TO USE A DEALER FOR TRANSACTIONS OF GUN.


Well-Known Fanatic
Mar 2, 2012
altus oklahoma
Excellent post burk!!! I hope this will inspire a new barrage of emails to be sent to reps and senators. I know as soon as I'm done posting I'm going to write one on this subject and drive home that no compromise should be excepted.
Thanks burk.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 25, 2011
There is no such thing as a gun show loophole... There are transactions conducted through dealers which require a background check and transactions between individuals where the seller is not a dealer which do not require a background check.

I agree wholeheartedly... The only purpose served by universal background checks is as means of registration or taxation/fees.

Nice informative post Burk.


Burk Cornelius

Regular guy
Jan 18, 2011
With Hillary opening her pie-hole recently about closing the "gun show loophole", this thread needs to be brought to the top

There is no "gun show loophole."

All laws are in force at a gun show. All federal, state and local laws apply. A firearms dealer is required to do a background check when he sells a gun -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

An individual who is not in the business of selling guns is not required to (in most states) -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

No difference in the law inside a gun show, so there is no "gun show loophole."


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 28, 2013
Jenks, Oklahoma
Burk Cornelius said:
With Hillary opening her pie-hole recently about closing the "gun show loophole", this thread needs to be brought to the top

There is no "gun show loophole."

All laws are in force at a gun show. All federal, state and local laws apply. A firearms dealer is required to do a background check when he sells a gun -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

An individual who is not in the business of selling guns is not required to (in most states) -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

No difference in the law inside a gun show, so there is no "gun show loophole."
Yeah, and now she's also talking about the "Charlston Loophole," which also isn't a loophole. They hate the fact that if the government doesn't find a reason you can't buy a gun in three days, stores can go ahead and complete the purchase. Of course, it isn't a loophole because it was put into the law on purpose so government couldn't just string gun purchasers along forever and never approve any NICS checks. The word "loophole" is just another false flag for gun-banners to try to make people believe that the people making the law meant to do it differently, but for some reason did not.


Cyrwus Says I'm Cool
Jun 22, 2014
Pinellas Park, FL
The other thing about that 40% number, is that it's total BS. It's from a 1997 phone survey or 251 people, a year before the NICS system of the brady bill went into effect requiring background checks.

Link to story about survey:

And link to story about Brady Bill:

Scott Hearn

Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 19, 2010
Moore, OK
Burk Cornelius said:
With Hillary opening her pie-hole recently about closing the "gun show loophole", this thread needs to be brought to the top

There is no "gun show loophole."

All laws are in force at a gun show. All federal, state and local laws apply. A firearms dealer is required to do a background check when he sells a gun -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

An individual who is not in the business of selling guns is not required to (in most states) -- inside a gun show or outside a gun show.

No difference in the law inside a gun show, so there is no "gun show loophole."
This is true and there never has been. There is really no sense in even trying to reason with "them" anymore. They are ideologically opposed to us and there is no amount of history, truth or facts that will change their desire. They only want us to "compromise" and give them everything they want. They will have no part in giving us anything in return so I have no desire to engage them in any debate whatsoever anymore. The only thing that will have an effect is that they get voted out of office. We have commiefornia automatically registering every single person who gets a DL or state ID to vote AFTER having passed a law giving illegal aliens DLs, I wonder what party they will find themselves affiliated with? We have kids getting sent home from school for wearing a t-shirt with the Air Force emblem on it. We have open warfare on police with them being assassinated while in their squad car and on duty. We have a presidential candidate running that would have been possibly tried for treason in times past, but today it's A-OK to be as blatantly corrupt as corrupt can be. They don't care about anything other than getting those votes at whatever cost. They don't care whether these or any law passes, or whether the laws they pass are even legal. They just don't care. This is the world we live in.