TDSA Advanced Combat Pistol Level I April 27-28

Sep 19, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Hello shooters. Just wanted to announce that we have a few spots left in the April Advanced Combat Pistol Class. This is our level I course but it has been called THE most comprehensive pistol course taught in America. I really don't any other class that comes close to it. Nowhere will you get the personal attention that you get in our course. You'll receive hours of one on one instruction and be coached by some the best trainers and shooters in the business. I'm counting on all of you who have been thru our courses to let others know about our training and encourage others to get signed up. I know ammo is hard to find right now but do your best to scrounge up 1000 rounds and get in this class. The March class was great! We had instructors in the class that improved 40%! I'm telling you, there is nothing better you can do for your shooting. If you want to take your shooting to the next level clear your calendars and get your butt in the April 27-28th class.

See you on the range!!!!
Jan 23, 2012
Owasso, Ok
I want in again! I and a few others improved 40%+ on our skill level in two days! Marshall is the epitome of a Quality World Class Instructor. Marshall if you need a range hand or an Adjunct for the course, I am available. You the man.

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