Revo Xperiment


Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 22, 2010
Hanna, Ok
I just got the go ahead from John Bent, of the OKC USPSA matches, to try an experiment with the Revo Division on a small scale. There has been a lot of discussion on allowing the 7 and 8 shot revos competiting in the Revo division using all rounds necessary for each stage. Most of the Revo guys will be at Area 4 the first Saturday in Sept so starting the first match in October we will give this a shot. All the people that have purchased an 7 or 8 shot and wanted to particpate in Uspsa, it is now your chance. Using your 7 or 8 shot to capacity will be scored as minor, to offset a little of the advantage of the extra shots prior to a reload. The only thing we ask, (actually require) is that on the classifier not to shoot more than 6 shots prior to a reload. This is to keep from causing the Revo data nationaly to be skewed. Results will be posted on the OKC website. I will also keep records for data and divide the 6 and 8 shot results. It does ot matter if the revo is scoped and has ports for the xperiment. I will keep everyone abreast on what the numbers show. We need to see if this brings in more revo shooters and if it impacts the 6 shot base. More info to follow. later rdd
I was wondering if anyone from BS was going to try the opportunity to use their 7 or 8 shot revo in the revo Division tomorrow. It is an experiment to see how we can incorporate the 7 & 8 shots into USPSA and use the shots to it's fullest. Thanx rdd
I am plesantly surprized of the outcome today. We had 8 revos shooters and three of us were shooting an open revo. Either with 8 shots or an optic sight. I was shooting an optic with 8 shots. I was pushing to the limit and beyond to really put the pressure on the 6 shot major guys. Out of the 7 stages I won 3 of them. With No 343 winning 3 of them and ChrisC. taking the other one. Only on two stages was there a distinct advantage of the two extra shot. An all steeel stage with 6 hits per each of three positions. I used 1 extra shot on two positions and with the Dot It was fasster by a large margin. But shooting minor was no disadvantage on an all steel stage. On another it was 8 shots per shooting area with no way to divide it up more than that. The tactic that worked best on the major was to shoot all A's and not go full bore through the course. On the more technical course where there were other options the advaantage of the 8 shot were mostly negated. But I was going all out and maybe should have shot more conservatively. But where was the fun in that. We had an open shooter which we conned into shooting the 8 shot revo and he was all smiles at the end of the day and remarked how much fun he had. Not a convert yet but possible. We had the normal revo shooters there, normal is quite a stretch but you know what I mean and added one for this. Waiting to hear from some more guys
Thanx rdd.

A repost form BEnos Forums where we were discussing using an 8 hsot for Revo Division
A little more information on the stage where there were 4 areas (Boxes) to engage 4 targets each from the each box.

No.343 shot the two targets on the left side and then transitioned all the way to the right side took the two shots left and then reloaded for the 7th and 8th shot, then carried two rounds to the next position. Two shots on the left reload, two hits on the left long transition to the right and 4 shots on the two targets before moving to the next position This was repeated until finished. No. 343 was pushing to his limit to make up the time that was saved by me not having a standing reload at each position.

ChrisC. Used the long transition on each position to reload. So it was four shots to the left Side reload 4 shot to the right side. Reload on the move to the next position and repeated until finished. He used the time saved with the reload on the transitions to get a better sight picture to hit the A's better to offset the time I saved by not having to do the standing reload.

Chris's plan worked better. He was 0.37 of a second slower than No. 343 but had 10 points higher in raw score which equated to a 7 point advantage over No.343 on that stage. He added three more reloads to the mix but they were on the move. Sometimes a plan is worth more than pure speed.
No.343 and I were going on pure speed throughout the match and dropped a lot more points than we were used to.

(Note) I use their screen names to protect the innocent, not really I just don't know if they want there names out there

Another Repost form BEnos