I just got the go ahead from John Bent, of the OKC USPSA matches, to try an experiment with the Revo Division on a small scale. There has been a lot of discussion on allowing the 7 and 8 shot revos competiting in the Revo division using all rounds necessary for each stage. Most of the Revo guys will be at Area 4 the first Saturday in Sept so starting the first match in October we will give this a shot. All the people that have purchased an 7 or 8 shot and wanted to particpate in Uspsa, it is now your chance. Using your 7 or 8 shot to capacity will be scored as minor, to offset a little of the advantage of the extra shots prior to a reload. The only thing we ask, (actually require) is that on the classifier not to shoot more than 6 shots prior to a reload. This is to keep from causing the Revo data nationaly to be skewed. Results will be posted on the OKC website. I will also keep records for data and divide the 6 and 8 shot results. It does ot matter if the revo is scoped and has ports for the xperiment. I will keep everyone abreast on what the numbers show. We need to see if this brings in more revo shooters and if it impacts the 6 shot base. More info to follow. later rdd