Remember who you should be listening to...

Mitch Rapp

Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 16, 2011
Tulsa area
I think you LEO guys who have been there, done that sometimes fail to realize that there are some people who have real experience in the mall security world.....

In all seriousness, when I have a guy who has put his butt in the fire and come away with only the smell of smoke on him, and he is willing to share some of his first hand knowledge, well, I am going to perk up, and listen. It's not a rarity to find people who have been there. It is a rarity to have someone who will be candid about it, and try share their wisdom with others.

Wisdom, knowledge gained from experience.

All of us have opinions, and all military and L.E. experiences don't translate perfectly into our civilian realm. But don't take the wisdom that some on this board have for granted. Most of all don't disparage those who are giving the advice unless you know who they are.

Too many in the L.E. world won't carry on a conversation about weapons and tactics with regular people, for whatever reason, I would like to express my gratitude to those who will, and do. Perhaps more of them would if more of us would simply be gracious from time to time.

Burk Cornelius

Regular guy
Jan 18, 2011
I would also like to thank our expert sponsors and contributors. Like I have said before, this site is different from others in that our experts know what they are talking about.



Uncivil Servant
Oct 6, 2010
SE Okla.
As a LEO, I'd like to say that what you are saying is totally correct! There IS a sort of professional snobbery that goes on regarding the haves and have nots. Myself, I have learned much more, and now passed that along to other LEO's, from shooters who have nothing to do with law enforcement. We are taught how to handle a gun tactically, with retention and awareness in mind, not necessarily accuracy. That is why the standard for CLEET pistol qual. is 70% from 25 yds in. Lets face it, competition shooters would find our qualification course laughable. I personally am a much better SHOOTER after listening and adapting target style shooting stances and grips and adapting them to meet the job requirements than a target or comp. shooter would ever be trying to adapt tactical stances and grips to a target environment. Obviously neither is right or wrong for all purposes, but just cause a person doesn't carry a gun 40 hrs a week on their hip doesn't mean they can't offer a tip or advise that can help someone else out with a problem. I've been able to shoot head to head with other LEOs, spank them score wise, and get their attention. The only reason they listen to me, sometimes, is cause I have a badge, too. Kind of an arrogant attitude if you ask me... Kinda fun for me to shoot against some of those guys who think they are really something due to them being able to score 100 on our weak 25 yd qual. course. Back them off to 50 yds and let the games begin...


Keepers Concealment
Oct 3, 2010
Yukon OK
I've had the Awesome opportunity to Train with several LEO's and Elite Military guys. and can tell you for the most part they are all Great Guys!!!!!!!
Here's the cool thing though, anyone can!! find a good class and go train with these guys and see for your self.... who knows you may learn something and make a great friend along the way!!
Then you'll have a better understanding of why some of us really appreciate the time and knowledge that these guys and gal's show us here!!!!!!!!!!!!

THanks all!!!!!!! I'll see you on the range.


Well-Known Fanatic
Mar 22, 2011
Sand Springs, OK
It's always fun to train with folks from different backgrounds! I always keep my eyes and ears open, because I'm always trying to steal new techniques that can help me keep an edge when dealing with bad guys!


Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 23, 2010
Most of the snobby cops that I know who act like they are the shiznits, can't shoot very well. Just sayin.... And yes, I'm an LEO, and yes, I experience this first hand also. I apologize for the arrogance of other LEO's. Trust me when I tell you that I listen to anyone giving advise, even if it's shitty advice, I will at least be nice enough to listen. LOL.

Just keep doing what you're doing and don't let the ATAS LEO's bust your balls.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 11, 2011
Yukon, OK
Most of the snobby cops that I know who act like they are the shiznits, can't shoot very well. Just sayin.... And yes, I'm an LEO, and yes, I experience this first hand also. I apologize for the arrogance of other LEO's. Trust me when I tell you that I listen to anyone giving advise, even if it's shitty advice, I will at least be nice enough to listen. LOL.

Just keep doing what you're doing and don't let the ATAS LEO's bust your balls.

I think Marshall said something similar to this at our AP1 class. "Half LEO's are funny and have a sense of humor, the other half are assholes. Just hope the one you are talking to is funny." Please correct me if I misquoted him.


Founding Member
Sep 17, 2010
Moore, OK.
There a lot of facets in the world of shooting and I'm of the opinion that dismissing any of them is a little short sighted. Like Dave said above, there is no prefect solution for every circustance. As a novice shooter myself, I like to try and learn something at every opportunity and find that a little humility goes a long way in this pursuit. Fortunately for all of us there is no shortage of great people out there to learn from!


Red Neck Tactical
Feb 6, 2011
San Antonio, TX
don't listen to those RNT guys they're blow hards that get all their info from off of the interweb, and mall food courts.



Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 19, 2010
Norman, OK
I think there is always something more to learn. I also think you need to go to the people that have experience in the area you are trying to improve. If you want to perform better in competition learn from those that have competition experience. If you want to improve in your tactics learn from those that have tactical experience.

Things change quickly when someone is trying to kill you. There is no way to simulate the stress that happens to you when you are in a life threatening situation.

Just because someone is in Law Enforcement does not mean they have a clue about Tactics. Some officers complete the academy and there minimum annual training and that is it.

I think there are some things that transfer from competition shooting to self defense.