pro gun not making a good showing


Sep 16, 2010
Obviously i don't agree with Jon Stewart, but every point he brings up is valid. Wayne opposes the very background checks he endorsed just 4 years prior, woman telling a compelling story of why women need AR's, but neglects to say gun used was 870 which wouldn't be banned and her response is we need AR's because they are scary looking and that gives women "peace of mind"!! And that is coming from someone that speaking for the pro gun side and representing all women. Really disappointed with what we are seeing from the pro gun side, from Alex Jones to this...,p0,d1
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Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 25, 2011
I agree. We need passionate, compelling AND articulate voices defending our 2nd amendment freedoms. Wayne seems to be a tape recorder playing back the same message over and over again. At points in his testimony, I can't tell if he is human or a monotone robot repeating talking points. He comes across as uncaring and unreasonable... Even though I support his positions on most things. I think the NRA needs a new voice or voices to carry the torch forward. He has become so decisive that it interferes with the very important message he must deliver. I thought the Dennis Miller professor dude was very good on the panel.

Scott Hearn

Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 19, 2010
Moore, OK
benjamin-benjamin said:
Obviously i don't agree with Jon Stewart, but every point he brings up is valid out of context. Wayne opposes the very background checks he endorsed just 4 years prior, woman telling a compelling story of why women need AR's, but neglects to say gun used was 870 which wouldn't be banned and her response is we need AR's because they are scary looking and that gives women "peace of mind"!! And that is coming from someone that speaking for the pro gun side and representing all women. Really disappointed with what we are seeing from the pro gun side, from Alex Jones to this...,p0,d1
Fixed it for you. You really ought to go to youtube and watch the entire question/answer segments. It becomes quite clear that Stewart is just as good as his buddies at twisting, spinning and cherry picking quotes. This is exactly why Obama got re-elected. People don't understand that Stewart is a comedian and not a news source.


Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 12, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Thumper said:
I agree. We need passionate, compelling AND articulate voices defending our 2nd amendment freedoms. Wayne seems to be a tape recorder playing back the same message over and over again. At points in his testimony, I can't tell if he is human or a monotone robot repeating talking points. He comes across as uncaring and unreasonable... Even though I support his positions on most things. I think the NRA needs a new voice or voices to carry the torch forward. He has become so decisive that it interferes with the very important message he must deliver. I thought the Dennis Miller professor dude was very good on the panel.
Our side does need some different exposure. The left put a bunch of the Hollywood actors together in a commercial, why can't our side do the same. We should do some of those "The more you know" type ads out. We could only benefit from some PSA type ads. I have beens saying this for awhile now.

I may even know a place with a green screen and a guy that can record it in high def as well as edit the ad.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
"We need ARs in case the government ever gets out of hand" doesn't play well on cable news. Neither does "look, sometimes bad people abuse their freedoms, that's the price of freedom." I don't envy the people whose job it is to come up with talking points that sound reasonable while cartwheeling around the real issue.
StealthESW said:
Our side does need some different exposure. The left put a bunch of the Hollywood actors together in a commercial, why can't our side do the same. We should do some of those "The more you know" type ads out. We could only benefit from some PSA type ads. I have beens saying this for awhile now.
"Hi, I'm Tom Selleck. Guns are good. MUSTACHE!!!"

We'd get the NFA repealed with that one.


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 21, 2011
edmond, ok
I have to agree. Our NRA spokesman just doesn't connect...
I'd like to see the "I'm the NRA" campaign put out there again.
Poop, don't know if you were serious about the Tom Selleck thing, but I think it would be good.


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK
How could I be anything other than serious?




Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
StealthESW said:
Our side does need some different exposure. The left put a bunch of the Hollywood actors together in a commercial, why can't our side do the same. We should do some of those "The more you know" type ads out. We could only benefit from some PSA type ads. I have beens saying this for awhile now.

I may even know a place with a green screen and a guy that can record it in high def as well as edit the ad.
I actually like this Idea! People on this forum have better information about why they are called AR's, why we need hi cap mags, etc, etc. than the people that we think represent us.
None of the great talking points we put up have been remotely presented by the "experts".

All they try to do is defend against the talking points of the anti's. Somebody needs to take the offence.
Ask them what would happen if the teacher/administrator had an AR.
Could that teacher have saved one childs life?
Use the same retoric against them, show, and detail real life scenerio's where gun owners have saved childrens lives, as that seems to be their main point to appeal to the masses.

How many lives have been saved overall by gun owners? How many old folks defended their homes against multiple invaders? Give first person story's, put the people that saved their life a face, and put that face in front of a camera telling their story.

The gun owners keep thinking that all we have to do is email or call our reps. Indeed we do, and need to do it on a continous basis, but we also need to go offensive in the same media they are trying to destroy us with.
Damm, this **** pisses me off!!

StealthESW, you have a great Idea. I hope you and your friend can do something like this. It can be a youtube thing, but also needs to be submitted to NRA, ORA, and all of the gun organizations. Make it go viral, and I could see where it could help. It dammed sure can't hurt.


Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 12, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
So why not try to focus on the sport side. There are guys on here that compete in various sports related to firearms. There has to be a way to move the focus.

I know there a "share the road" campaign to encourage drivers to look out for motorcyclists, why not have a safety campaign for firearms?

We could use military, law enforcement officials, and sportsman to do the PSAs.

I just know that sitting and waiting to see what will happen is not the way to handle any situation.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 11, 2010
Edmond, OK
I pay the NRA because I have too. I think they could do a much better job of representing me, but they choose not too. Pro Gun today is in a lose lose situation. 90% of Americans believe that the 1st Amendment is the most important. Poor bastards don't realize that the rest of us that hold the 2nd as the most sacred are the reason they have a 1st, and the rest.


Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 12, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
OUshooter said:
I pay the NRA because I have too. I think they could do a much better job of representing me, but they choose not too. Pro Gun today is in a lose lose situation. 90% of Americans believe that the 1st Amendment is the most important. Poor bastards don't realize that the rest of us that hold the 2nd as the most sacred are the reason they have a 1st, and the rest.
You know what they say, you don't know what you got till it's gone.