Our Civilian Army.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
In the end game. what do you believe the real evil plan is behind getting rid of our Law Enforcement?

Men & Women come in many designs & by nature man can be very evil. Law enforcement is the
result of man made crime not the cause. Cities will continue to burn as the Communist destroy
our infrastructure & turn us into a real third world country.

Did we ever not need a Police force to combat evil doers? This force behind ridding us of protection has a plan
that includes banning Fireworks over Mount Rushmore :eek: on the Fourth Of July.

Destroy all symbols & love for America by it's own citizens & then reimagine America into a S-Hole Communist
Country. It's that simple guys, all plays from the commie Bible for everyone to see nothing is hidden except what
the Free American Press decides to hide from the Public. CNN aka Communist News Network filled with Communist
& everyone knows it to be true.

One fact we must admit, the federal LE seem to be following orders from the Left without question.
It's the Woke leaders who have been installed by the left to ruin our way of life once and for all.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
In the end game. what do you believe the real evil plan is behind getting rid of our Law Enforcement?

Men & Women come in many designs & by nature man can be very evil. Law enforcement is the
result of man made crime not the cause. Cities will continue to burn as the Communist destroy
our infrastructure & turn us into a real third world country.

Did we ever not need a Police force to combat evil doers? This force behind ridding us of protection has a plan
that includes banning Fireworks over Mount Rushmore :eek: on the Fourth Of July.

Destroy all symbols & love for America by it's own citizens & then reimagine America into a S-Hole Communist
Country. It's that simple guys, all plays from the commie Bible for everyone to see nothing is hidden except what
the Free American Press decides to hide from the Public. CNN aka Communist News Network filled with Communist
& everyone knows it to be true.

One fact we must admit, the federal LE seem to be following orders from the Left without question.
It's the Woke leaders who have been installed by the left to ruin our way of life once and for all.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
Mike A1 I totally agree with what you are saying. I'm afraid of what is going to happen in the next 12 months. If we have insurrection at least half of the military will be against us. That leaves the true Patriots and the loyal military. It may turn out like Custer's last stand, but better to be gone from this life than to spend the rest of your days on your knees worshiping someone other than the REAL GOD ALMIGHTY. Myself, I'd prefer to spend an eternity in Heaven with my loved ones and Holy Jesus, God the Almighty Father, and the Blessed Holy Spirit than in hell with Satan. I'm surely no hero, but I'll die for my beliefs, and go to my reward than to ever bow to Satan.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
You know Bob I just can't shake the idea that once our military turns upon it's self, that's when the Communist will strike us hard.
Our Military leaders must know this as well, so it's clear they have been compromised by the Left & plan a big Commie reward for their
treachery to their own Country. Our Military is weak & under the control of Leftist, CRT is taught in our Schools & military it won't work
for defense of country at all.

Just like the GOP just whines about how the Left treats them, they do nothing & learn even less. Man the people we have allowed to
entrench themselves into our ruling elite. Bushes, Klintons, Rockefellows, Chaneys, Pelosis, etc. & you see the pattern no longer a Citizens
Government Of the people or by the people. Ruleing class with a grasp on power that can not be broken. Remember Dominion?

Just like every person will have to decide if they just will summit to being under Communist control. The whole damn plan depends on
citizens turning their Country over to foreign communist control. It may be a lot easier than we think for our Country to be turned over
without a shot fired in Defense of Country. Biden & party has turned every single Exc order President Trump did for America 180 degrees
bass ackwards to everything against & bad for America & they don't care what you think. How's that for Big Balls?

These Bastards have told us it's not a political game they want Control full control of the Country & it's people.
What else can we do when 30% of our Country is willing to give away all your Freedoms & rights for control
by Communist who promise to give them Free stuff? After all it's those nasty evil White men who have all the
stuff they took from you's & you need to have it for yourselves.

Time for the real Americans to stand & be heard Freedom dies in darkness.

To be clear we got Joe Biden a total traitor, Crook, & Coward not to forget Camel La VP in flames.

Mike Galway

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 5, 2018
East Central Missouri
Most Leos I know , getting close to retirement , or have some years under their belts , are being extremely cautious . Not rushing to a call , not being real proactive . Cell phone cameras are everywhere in the hands of people with an agenda and editing skills . No one wants to be the next Darren Wilson , or paying lawyers to fight lawsuits till you're bankrupt . Our county and city for the first time , is hurting for applicants . In the current environment , who'd want to pursue a career in law enforcement ?

HooDoo Man

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 17, 2021
Peoples Republic of California (Northern)
The above is why I didn't go from Reserve to F/T Sworn when the opportunity arose. And that was before the current wave of crap came into play. I honestly am worried about the people going into the academy now. Social workers with a badge? Put orders of the corrupt politicians before the good of the citizens? Kinda looks that way to me. Scary.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
I will say one thing I have experienced. There is huge difference working for a City PD and a Sheriffs Office/Dept. I'll take the S/O any day. City politics suck big time. Chief's are appointed by idiots(mostly). Sherriff's elected.
Luckily for my town our mayor was my sons parol officer from when he got into a lot of trouble with pot in school. He really did care and helped get our son into a 90 day rehab with no cost to us. That was 14 years ago and he still stops me to ask how my son is doing when I see him and his wife out and about! That's a true "for the people" politician. Plus being former law enforcement he does a pretty good job keeping the town clean (about 27,000 residents) we have a bar area where for about 5 city blocks you can bar hop with your drinks, etc. and it can get pretty rowdy but the police presence at night stops that anymore. They sit all over the area through the evening and it's amazing that people don't start crap for the most part when there's a heavy police presence in a smaller town.
I used to get off work at 10:30 and arrive in town around 11:15 and I would drive down state street to get home and I've seen people fighting on the sidewalk and roll out into the road as I drove by, this happened multiple times over the years but not since he's been elected. Used to be known as the coke capital of nw Ohio but that too has been cleaned up.
Not everything is puppies and roses but still least he and our local police are fairly conservative. I local sheriff is borderline but doesn't cause any issues! Our previous sheriff was arrested and charged with stealing drugs from the prescription turn in center at the sheriff s office, got 15 years!
I went to school with him and he did really good for about 10 years then his crap fell apart snd jo hit into drugs.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
In the end game. what do you believe the real evil plan is behind getting rid of our Law Enforcement?

Men & Women come in many designs & by nature man can be very evil. Law enforcement is the
result of man made crime not the cause. Cities will continue to burn as the Communist destroy
our infrastructure & turn us into a real third world country.

Did we ever not need a Police force to combat evil doers? This force behind ridding us of protection has a plan
that includes banning Fireworks over Mount Rushmore :eek: on the Fourth Of July.

Destroy all symbols & love for America by it's own citizens & then reimagine America into a S-Hole Communist
Country. It's that simple guys, all plays from the commie Bible for everyone to see nothing is hidden except what
the Free American Press decides to hide from the Public. CNN aka Communist News Network filled with Communist
& everyone knows it to be true.

One fact we must admit, the federal LE seem to be following orders from the Left without question.
It's the Woke leaders who have been installed by the left to ruin our way of life once and for all.
I believe the end game is to weaken law enforcement and drive crime up to "intolerable" levels. At the point "intolerable" levels of crime is declared, the government will announce a federal takeover of law enforcement and declare marshall law. That is when the commies will move.

I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jun 8, 2018
I believe the end game is to weaken law enforcement and drive crime up to "intolerable" levels. At the point "intolerable" levels of crime is declared, the government will announce a federal takeover of law enforcement and declare marshall law. That is when the commies will move.

I hope I'm wrong.
No Sir, you are sadly most likely right. Call me crazy, but I think the Covid crap was a dry run. Look at how many did what the gubment said, logical or not.

If they can control the food, they have a large portion of the people. Hungry and scared people make stupid choices. Historically, when chaos abounds, people will often follow the one that promises food and safety, of course, we know how that usually ends.

Imagine if the federal gubment shut down interstate travel and commerce to any region that was not following the common sense safety restrictions? Think the toilet paper shortage a while back was bad?


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
No Sir, you are sadly most likely right. Call me crazy, but I think the Covid crap was a dry run. Look at how many did what the gubment said, logical or not.

If they can control the food, they have a large portion of the people. Hungry and scared people make stupid choices. Historically, when chaos abounds, people will often follow the one that promises food and safety, of course, we know how that usually ends.

Imagine if the federal gubment shut down interstate travel and commerce to any region that was not following the common sense safety restrictions? Think the toilet paper shortage a while back was bad?
Very smart analysis.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 29, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
Most Leos I know , getting close to retirement , or have some years under their belts , are being extremely cautious . Not rushing to a call , not being real proactive . Cell phone cameras are everywhere in the hands of people with an agenda and editing skills . No one wants to be the next Darren Wilson , or paying lawyers to fight lawsuits till you're bankrupt . Our county and city for the first time , is hurting for applicants . In the current environment , who'd want to pursue a career in law enforcement ?
I have a Son close to putting in his 30. He tells me the people that are coming on are college educated, (what does that say) and have absolutely NO STREET SMARTS. If they don't get themselves killed they are going to get other people killed. You can not have a police force that is " Politically Correct " afraid of hurting someone's feelings. He used to love his job. He worked hard to get his stripes. He worked even harder to get his own "Special Squad", he works plain clothes weapons and narcotics. He has said that he is more afraid of someone with a camera than a thug with a gun. I pray every night that he gets home safe. He works by his choice in one of the worst inner city neighbor hoods. I can't wait for him to put his papers in. I would never tell him that straight up though.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 29, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
On another topic if I may. Today is 7/1/21. I got an email from Freedom Munitions, that they have all needed reloading supplies. I have gotten range ammo from them. They still have reasonable prices on reloads and new ammunition. This is just a tip for the guys who reload. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 16, 2019
It's a world gone mad. I think we need to have hope while we prepare for WHATEVER is in our future. I've been thinking a lot about preparing for disruption in the comforts we now enjoy, I'm getting backup ice makers.

As far as the military, I would say there isn't any reason to question the patriotism of the majority of the rank and file. These new "woke" members, at the head of the military are nothing more than politicians who are laying the groundwork for high paying defense contractor jobs. I think our leaders, not just in the military are out for themselves and they've compromised courage for greed.

Cops (having been one foe 32 years) love their country and are mission oriented. Even if they retire, they'll remain active in their communities in some way to the benefit of their community.

I believe there are enough people who remember a country that was pre Obama, where there wasn't the division which the democrats are instigating. If I'm thankful for anything, it's that the dems are pushing so hard, the difference is easier to see by contrast, even to the uninformed masses.

There is peace of mind in planning. If there's anything we've seen, its that nothng is normal anymore, so use your imagination when you're thinking about senarios. Stay fit so you can help your family in the future.

God bless America, its worth preserving.