Our Civilian Army.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Yes, he is lucky , when he stood I thought it was on. But he wanted to shake hands! What a libtard.

Your aunt sounds like my brother in law. They are fully aware of what they are doing. Passive aggressive bs. Sorry you went thru this especially at a funeral. I would never in a million years guessed NC had liberal cities. In almost another lifetime I spent time in Ashville, a girl don't ya know!
Only the college cities are liberal.The blue areas are all college areas. The rest of the state is red and Trump won the state.

Unfortunately, I live in a college city.



Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Best thing you can do is get them pissed and then tell the to have a beautiful day!! Pisses them off so much, they really are a hateful bunch. I do not and will not have that kind of **** in my house, EVER!!! They are not welcome here.

I also have a shirt I like to wear that says:

You find it offensive, I find it funny.
That's why I'm happier than you:)

Stay strong and it will work out, I'm sure the wife will come around as she surely knows what kind of man you are!

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Just say Black rifles matter & sit back & watch, it's so predictable to watch them boil over.
Just throw a bomb & sit back & let nature take over they get so mad I think they will piss themselves LOL

Learn how Trolls like Dr Awkward would come in & start some BS over there & everyone at addicts would react
& get pissed so Dr. Awkward would sit back & laugh at us. Learn from the enemy.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Just say Black rifles matter & sit back & watch, it's so predictable to watch them boil over.
Just throw a bomb & sit back & let nature take over they get so mad I think they will piss themselves LOL

Learn how Trolls like Dr Awkward would come in & start some BS over there & everyone at addicts would react
& get pissed so Dr. Awkward would sit back & laugh at us. Learn from the enemy.
That ass hat didn't like it when I would ask him to prove his points when he would start some ****. He never had any good responses with reasoning.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
That ass hat didn't like it when I would ask him to prove his points when he would start some ****. He never had any good responses with reasoning.
It's hard to claim a point when that point is on your head LOL. His talking head was up his arrrse, so the oxygen was in short supply
& he sounds like he got the Bends :eek:

Like Zombies they walk & talk, but are dead flesh above the neck line. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Only the college cities are liberal.The blue areas are all college areas. The rest of the state is red and Trump won the state.

Unfortunately, I live in a college city.

View attachment 8068
I was looking at this map and I'm thinking this is probably true for many states. This says a lot about our indoctrination centers. I believe colleges and universities should be held accountable for the damage they have done.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jun 8, 2018
I was looking at this map and I'm thinking this is probably true for many states. This says a lot about our indoctrination centers. I believe colleges and universities should be held accountable for the damage they have done.

"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling."

Thomas Sowell

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I was looking at this map and I'm thinking this is probably true for many states. This says a lot about our indoctrination centers. I believe colleges and universities should be held accountable for the damage they have done.
I totally agree with ya CE. However once again I ask. Whose in charge?
We saw it as the Fog of WAR ( Covid-19 ) settled in United States where we had Mini Hitlers giving orders like Kings & Queens, without any disiplinary actions at all. Remember Gretchin in Mi & Cumo in NY? They should be Hanged for Treason but :oops: it will never happen in our time.

President Trump was unable to stop these mini Dick Taters from the damage & loss of life these criminals caused. Gavin & Cumo are safe behind
voting machines, rigged for the Demo-Communist. I think without civil unrest on the part of all the Free American Citizens who want Liberty & the freedoms, we all hold dear, nothing will happen at all. The President of the United States Of America Donald J. Trump could not stop this Communist Rush & everyone saw it!

Survival of the fittest & Divided we fall are simple rules of life, & will not make exceptions for weakness or lack of support for our entire nation
black white or purple Citizens matters not. Divide is what has been done 2 us & some of our citizens are helping the Communist for what they think they will get
for their trouble ( Free stuff). What they will get is DEATH or worse, the Communist demand loyalty, & see a person who will sell out their own country as
worthless trash to be discarded after they are no longer needed.

History tells us everything none of this is new or Unique it's the classic Communist takeover & everyone can see it on full display. So for those who still believe
they are Demonrats they have gone to sleep, & are just being led by the nose ring.

It will not be easy or quick to capture back America now. Perhaps somewhere in the future A George Washington will rise from the Communist ashes
& start it all over again. I just can't see it. America was something that happened a long time ago when there was a fairness in the way we
fought. Muzzle loaders & BP cannons again Napalm & Nukes. Biden told you just how far he would go to stop any actions by Civilians against
the Communist Government he's in charge of. Napalm & Nukes, yep that's about right so if your in a Red State watch out. :eek:


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
I totally agree with ya CE. However once again I ask. Whose in charge?
We saw it as the Fog of WAR ( Covid-19 ) settled in United States where we had Mini Hitlers giving orders like Kings & Queens, without any disiplinary actions at all. Remember Gretchin in Mi & Cumo in NY? They should be Hanged for Treason but :oops: it will never happen in our time.

President Trump was unable to stop these mini Dick Taters from the damage & loss of life these criminals caused. Gavin & Cumo are safe behind
voting machines, rigged for the Demo-Communist. I think without civil unrest on the part of all the Free American Citizens who want Liberty & the freedoms, we all hold dear, nothing will happen at all. The President of the United States Of America Donald J. Trump could not stop this Communist Rush & everyone saw it!

Survival of the fittest & Divided we fall are simple rules of life, & will not make exceptions for weakness or lack of support for our entire nation
black white or purple Citizens matters not. Divide is what has been done 2 us & some of our citizens are helping the Communist for what they think they will get
for their trouble ( Free stuff). What they will get is DEATH or worse, the Communist demand loyalty, & see a person who will sell out their own country as
worthless trash to be discarded after they are no longer needed.

History tells us everything none of this is new or Unique it's the classic Communist takeover & everyone can see it on full display. So for those who still believe
they are Demonrats they have gone to sleep, & are just being led by the nose ring.

It will not be easy or quick to capture back America now. Perhaps somewhere in the future A George Washington will rise from the Communist ashes
& start it all over again. I just can't see it. America was something that happened a long time ago when there was a fairness in the way we
fought. Muzzle loaders & BP cannons again Napalm & Nukes. Biden told you just how far he would go to stop any actions by Civilians against
the Communist Government he's in charge of. Napalm & Nukes, yep that's about right so if your in a Red State watch out. :eek:
.....and once again, I have to say you're right. I keep trying hard to be hopeful, but my energy is probably better spent preparing for the worst. The most comforting thing to me is that through this forum, I have received assurance that there are many more like me.

Through my interactions with co-workers, I'm also aware that the other side is much larger. I would have never thought this could be possible in my younger years.

I am a true American Christian. I believe in my God and the Son he allowed to die in my place. I also believe He is the true Father of our rights. Satan is the father of taking them away. I will die with my rights intact. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
You know that 33% we keep seeing, leftists does not equate to 80 million votes.
This last election was an epic steal of the highest order, the Communist Party High orders that is.

Biden & his whole gang are guilty of Treason. Don't let that bother you he Biden, has sold out our entire Country out to the Communist .
Once the LE is gone the whole face of the Communist will change, & we will be under Government/Military Control forever. :eek:

The thin blue line is being destroyed & once we have no more police, the streets will be ruled by Antifa the Brown Shirts/Criminals
of the Nazis/Commies. Our nearest City is run by Communist Lesbo's & the Police are leaving in droves some came to our City that supports
the police. Beware if you visit Asheville NC it's enemy territory for sure, run by Radical Communist Lesbo's radical nut's that took
over & F-UPed Asheville for sure..

I will go on record as saying all this winning of elections by Communist Democrats for as long as I can see, they have been rigged
& stolen. You will never remove the Communist by voting them out, they have the system tuned too win every time from now

We better help the police when ever we can, they will not survive the coming storm if we allow the Communist to keep
killing & turning Police away from serving. GOD Save Our Country!

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018

Look I get it, we are all patriots & love America it's normal to want to smash the face of anyone who speaks badly about our county.
The thing I would love to see is the illness that these haters are building inside from all this hate they are swallowing, just watch it take it's toll on them.
Not us not never, so let's all decide to help them consume themselves with this poisonous hate they have for us.

Anger & hate can save your butt if used at the right time, however when these morons spout & believe this BS they become toxic to themselves &
others around them. Let's understand the way they get us to become upset, then turn it around & let it eat their souls away if they have one.

We can practice just how to handle the Undead heads with control & cunning, so the hate they spew will engulf them with suffering & not us.
Hate can kill you in time, look how unhappy the UD are & how the only happiness they can find is condeming others for their free will & thinking.

WOKE they call themselves, LOL they like their Smart Phones are Dumb asses for sure. Like Children they act up wanting to turn everything upside down.
If we like PB&J they want to make the PB taste like Spam & the jelly not out of normal fruit but something only a child would want only to get a say over
a normal thinking adult. The act like Children with out parents :oops: lord of the **** flies, if you will.

I just would like us to stop falling for all the hate & just live the way we believe to be Gods way. Let the Hate they create just shorten their miserable
worthless lives & let us become healthy & strong the way Americans do in a crisis.
I agree fully.


Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 5, 2020
One of the benefits of living in rural Texas is that liberals are as rare here as 10 banded armadillos. We fled The Peoples Republik of California 3 years ago after having worked and lived there since 1971. We were able to see up front and personal the spiraling down of our State at the hands of liberals/communists and at ages 72 and 78 my wife and I did the right thing and moved to what Libtards call "fly over country". Texas Summers are a bit (sic) of a trial, but on balance, it beats California hands down. We are 16 miles from town, 15 miles from the nearest traffic light. This is 2d Amendment, Trump country.

My only concern for our state's future is that the millions living in 5-6 big Texas cities will wag the rest of the dog and turn us into a communist gulag. That is part of the reasoning of allowing open borders and winking at election fraud; to bring in more undocumented Democrat voters. Burnet County is hardly likely to change, but much of what affects our lives comes from Austin politicians and the thought of losing our great Governor Greg Abbot looms large.

I hope to survive another 18 months to see the traitors thrown out of office in sufficient numbers as to give conservatism an unshakeable majority and thus return our country to sanity.


Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
One of the benefits of living in rural Texas is that liberals are as rare here as 10 banded armadillos. We fled The Peoples Republik of California 3 years ago after having worked and lived there since 1971. We were able to see up front and personal the spiraling down of our State at the hands of liberals/communists and at ages 72 and 78 my wife and I did the right thing and moved to what Libtards call "fly over country". Texas Summers are a bit (sic) of a trial, but on balance, it beats California hands down. We are 16 miles from town, 15 miles from the nearest traffic light. This is 2d Amendment, Trump country.

My only concern for our state's future is that the millions living in 5-6 big Texas cities will wag the rest of the dog and turn us into a communist gulag. That is part of the reasoning of allowing open borders and winking at election fraud; to bring in more undocumented Democrat voters. Burnet County is hardly likely to change, but much of what affects our lives comes from Austin politicians and the thought of losing our great Governor Greg Abbot looms large.

I hope to survive another 18 months to see the traitors thrown out of office in sufficient numbers as to give conservatism an unshakeable majority and thus return our country to sanity.

God Bless Texas...and you too sir.


Jul 10, 2019
Biden is such an idiot, but he did get 80 million votes.
Yep, they showed up in the middle of the night, from under tables, out of closets, and clandestine vehicles. If you believe all these middle-of-the-night mysteriously appearing ballots were legitimate, I have a deal for you on some ocean-front property right square in the middle of Kansas!


Jul 10, 2019
God Bless Texas...and you too sir.
Enjoy it while it lasts. Here in coastal South Carolina, we were very red, then the Yankees began moving here in droves. It was good for the economy for a few years, but then, they began pushing hard to change our way of life and living habits to be much more in tune with those of the north. Their numbers have increased to the point they now have political clout and our lifestyle and political climate is rapidly changing, led by rapidly increasing taxes and service fees and neighbor to neighbor harmony. While still red, we are fading toward blue at a rapid rate!

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