Our Civilian Army.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Almost everyday I see another Cop get killed or Shot.

I wrote about how if this Commie attack on our Police did not stop, we would have no more Police willing to be Killed.
Well before, over there I got. Oh no that will never happen, people will step up & serve. Really??

If you can imagine our Armed Forces were used By The Communist to protect the Capital after they took control.
Just who does the Armed Forces serve? Not us for sure.

Law Enforcement is the Army of the People. I know we see LE tackling parents at School board meetings trying to use their
1st amendment right of FREE SPEACH. Why those Cops did not say HELL NO I do not understand.

It's the way the Communist take complete control & it's happening NOW! NO more Cops NO more protection
for the Common Citizens! Military Communist Control & we lose our beautiful Nation just as others have before us.

I believed then as I do now, this Defund the Police is just a ploy to destroy the Civilian Army who could protect the public from this
Communist attack. Don't believe the US Military will do more than serve the Ruling elites. Communist I mean!!!

Why do you believe the Far Left has put Defund the Police on the fast track?

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Biden is such an idiot, but he did get 80 million votes.
You know that 33% we keep seeing, leftists does not equate to 80 million votes.
This last election was an epic steal of the highest order, the Communist Party High orders that is.

Biden & his whole gang are guilty of Treason. Don't let that bother you he Biden, has sold out our entire Country out to the Communist .
Once the LE is gone the whole face of the Communist will change, & we will be under Government/Military Control forever. :eek:

The thin blue line is being destroyed & once we have no more police, the streets will be ruled by Antifa the Brown Shirts/Criminals
of the Nazis/Commies. Our nearest City is run by Communist Lesbo's & the Police are leaving in droves some came to our City that supports
the police. Beware if you visit Asheville NC it's enemy territory for sure, run by Radical Communist Lesbo's radical nut's that took
over & F-UPed Asheville for sure..

I will go on record as saying all this winning of elections by Communist Democrats for as long as I can see, they have been rigged
& stolen. You will never remove the Communist by voting them out, they have the system tuned too win every time from now

We better help the police when ever we can, they will not survive the coming storm if we allow the Communist to keep
killing & turning Police away from serving. GOD Save Our Country!


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
You know that 33% we keep seeing, leftists does not equate to 80 million votes.
This last election was an epic steal of the highest order, the Communist Party High orders that is.

Biden & his whole gang are guilty of Treason. Don't let that bother you he Biden, has sold out our entire Country out to the Communist .
Once the LE is gone the whole face of the Communist will change, & we will be under Government/Military Control forever. :eek:

The thin blue line is being destroyed & once we have no more police, the streets will be ruled by Antifa the Brown Shirts/Criminals
of the Nazis/Commies. Our nearest City is run by Communist Lesbo's & the Police are leaving in droves some came to our City that supports
the police. Beware if you visit Asheville NC it's enemy territory for sure, run by Radical Communist Lesbo's radical nut's that took
over & F-UPed Asheville for sure..

I will go on record as saying all this winning of elections by Communist Democrats for as long as I can see, they have been rigged
& stolen. You will never remove the Communist by voting them out, they have the system tuned too win every time from now

We better help the police when ever we can, they will not survive the coming storm if we allow the Communist to keep
killing & turning Police away from serving. GOD Save Our Country!
We are in deeper trouble than I think we can even see. A communist plot is being unfurled right before our eyes and there are not enough people like us that realize it. Most Americans are too caught up in other things to notice.

I've been to Ashville before and after the homoliberal take over. It was once a nice North Carolina mountain town. Now, it's a mini Sodom and Gomorrah. God help us. Please free us of these devils released from hell.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jun 8, 2018
Business Insider headline this morning

Business Insider

Biden mocked gun-rights advocates who say they need assault weapons to fight the government: 'You need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons'

Ever notice that they say we need tanks, planes and nukes to fight the government. But, January 6 was a serious and almost successful (in liberal's minds) attempt at a government takeover? The two ideas can't exist logically.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Ever notice that they say we need tanks, planes and nukes to fight the government. But, January 6 was a serious and almost successful (in liberal's minds) attempt at a government takeover? The two ideas can't exist logically.
Visit the jokes and funny memes thread. I posted one along this line.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
The AssH^&%s have no idea what an insurrection is. That was a stupid carnival. And THAT scared the hell out of them. Just like the 2nd Amed. Just waiting.
You are a smart and aware American. I don't say that lightly based on this comment. You have made many inciteful comments. I hope there are many more like you....and me.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Ever notice that they say we need tanks, planes and nukes to fight the government. But, January 6 was a serious and almost successful (in liberal's minds) attempt at a government takeover? The two ideas can't exist logically.
That was your first mistake, you can not have any type of conversation or thought process involving liberals and logic!


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
I am thankful for all you guys and for a site like this where we can exchange ideas.

Just experienced the snowflake mindset first hand, in my own home. Visiting family , attacked me after dinner all the usual rhetoric bs, "why do you need military grade weapons" me an ar15 is NOT an m16 (m4) , "why do you need a gun that shoots 500 rounds per minute" me what gun would that be? "why you need a gun that shoots such big bullets" me ( I've lost it by now) shut the **** up you stupid pos, you're so stupid you want the gov't to provide your protection from the hell you and people like you have unleashed.
From there we visited border control or lack thereof. "the wall didn't work" me yeah cause xiden stopped construction. "we should have no borders" me wow I knew you 2 were leftists but didn't realize the depth of your stupidity.
Just when I was certain it could get no worse "there are no illegal immigrants only people" me I went ballistic

Admittedly I lost my temper, didn't do a good job representing conservatives. He (wifes brother) finally stood up, I've been here before so I popped up, he offered his hand , I looked at it. Honestly if he had not been family not sure what I'd have done, but I shook it. Then he said "where does your 2nd A rights trump my right to live safely" I looked at him and his now legalized American citizen mexican wife and said - I suggest you leave America, immigrate to a communist country (oh we are moving to mexico) and take all the people you know of a like mindset with you. You people are the problem. I asked have you ever read the Constitution? uh, no not really. Have you ever tried to educate yourself to just what this greatest of all experiments in Liberty, the Republic of the United States of America actually stands for? only crickets. When he said the Constitution is outdated and a continually needs revisited, all my sensibilities were long gone.

Wife left the room in tears, she is a conservative Christian as am I, but may well divorce me over this. I tried to explain that I did not instigate the political conversation, tried to avoid it actually. She knows this is true. She recently has lost her Mom and a brother that was a strong conservative. So she is torn up, I get that. But, as I said, nobody gets a free pass to attack MY country and conservative viewpoints in my home.

My house and life is in disaray after this, not sure where all this goes now. Sorry for the derail and rant.

America, now, forever, at any cost. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I am thankful for all you guys and for a site like this where we can exchange ideas.

Just experienced the snowflake mindset first hand, in my own home. Visiting family , attacked me after dinner all the usual rhetoric bs, "why do you need military grade weapons" me an ar15 is NOT an m16 (m4) , "why do you need a gun that shoots 500 rounds per minute" me what gun would that be? "why you need a gun that shoots such big bullets" me ( I've lost it by now) shut the **** up you stupid pos, you're so stupid you want the gov't to provide your protection from the hell you and people like you have unleashed.
From there we visited border control or lack thereof. "the wall didn't work" me yeah cause xiden stopped construction. "we should have no borders" me wow I knew you 2 were leftists but didn't realize the depth of your stupidity.
Just when I was certain it could get no worse "there are no illegal immigrants only people" me I went ballistic

Admittedly I lost my temper, didn't do a good job representing conservatives. He (wifes brother) finally stood up, I've been here before so I popped up, he offered his hand , I looked at it. Honestly if he had not been family not sure what I'd have done, but I shook it. Then he said "where does your 2nd A rights trump my right to live safely" I looked at him and his now legalized American citizen mexican wife and said - I suggest you leave America, immigrate to a communist country (oh we are moving to mexico) and take all the people you know of a like mindset with you. You people are the problem. I asked have you ever read the Constitution? uh, no not really. Have you ever tried to educate yourself to just what this greatest of all experiments in Liberty, the Republic of the United States of America actually stands for? only crickets. When he said the Constitution is outdated and a continually needs revisited, all my sensibilities were long gone.

Wife left the room in tears, she is a conservative Christian as am I, but may well divorce me over this. I tried to explain that I did not instigate the political conversation, tried to avoid it actually. She knows this is true. She recently has lost her Mom and a brother that was a strong conservative. So she is torn up, I get that. But, as I said, nobody gets a free pass to attack MY country and conservative viewpoints in my home.

My house and life is in disaray after this, not sure where all this goes now. Sorry for the derail and rant.

America, now, forever, at any cost. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT
I see it all the time. I know :oops: however trying to get a lib to see reason it neigh on imposable, their minds have been changed & they are blind
& cannot see it. Very much like the Millions of Blacks who have been fooled by the Left to never see the real truth & enslaving their own minds.

You ask =: How can any American sit by, & let the Left just do a 180 on everything President Trump did to improve America?
Hell their is no rational answer that makes any sense, because destroying a persons ability to think for themselves is a Crime against God!
The Communist have been working unobstructed here in America for Decades & now they make their move, it's a master plan that has
worked for many other Countries. Sleeping Giants, The USA is weak today & many people need to wake up, if not they just die out
& will be replaced by good little party Willing Idiots .

Not the Brain washing of days gone by, but a new method of turning a person against their own Country until they will help to destroy & help
the Communist take over. Children being taught if they are white they are BAD & deserve no joy in life, including having a relationship with
the Lord.

The whole Country is changing & not for the better. Yet one thing I can offer to you my friend. Let the Leftist POSs have the Stroke & Heart attacks
you ;) just throw the BOMB & sit back & laugh at the Idiots as they try to out STOOPID each other. It feels SOOO good LMAO.

Be at peace my Brother, we will get the last laugh before it's all over, it's over IT'S OVER OVER HERE!


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
All truth Mike. I should've handled myself much differently. But felt attacked and her being an immigrant (dual citizenship) and informing me how wrong my blind allegiance is Well, I lost it.
Thank you Brother
I would have lost it too. I have an Aunt that hates guns and she knows I love them. She started something with me at a funeral of all things. Oh well, what do you expect from a liberal? She hangs out with the elderly liberal crowd in Durham, NC. Durham is known for liberalism and black on black crime. It's the home of Duke University and more Prius's than you can count. The Prius's even get special parking spaces.

I tried to keep my cool and failed miserably. I ended up telling her to take her liberal bullshit and shove it up her ass.....at a funeral....in front of my Mom and her other brothers and sisters....and a bunch of other family and non-family attendees.

A number of family members told me she had it coming and that I did a good job. I still think I could have done better.

We're human, and can only take so much stupidity and disrespect for the principles our nation and our rights were founded on.

Good job Switchback. He's lucky you didn't kick his ass.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
Yes, he is lucky , when he stood I thought it was on. But he wanted to shake hands! What a libtard.

Your aunt sounds like my brother in law. They are fully aware of what they are doing. Passive aggressive bs. Sorry you went thru this especially at a funeral. I would never in a million years guessed NC had liberal cities. In almost another lifetime I spent time in Ashville, a girl don't ya know!

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I tried to keep my cool and failed miserably. I ended up telling her to take her liberal bullshit and shove it up her ass...

Look I get it, we are all patriots & love America it's normal to want to smash the face of anyone who speaks badly about our county.
The thing I would love to see is the illness that these haters are building inside from all this hate they are swallowing, just watch it take it's toll on them.
Not us not never, so let's all decide to help them consume themselves with this poisonous hate they have for us.

Anger & hate can save your butt if used at the right time, however when these morons spout & believe this BS they become toxic to themselves &
others around them. Let's understand the way they get us to become upset, then turn it around & let it eat their souls away if they have one.

We can practice just how to handle the Undead heads with control & cunning, so the hate they spew will engulf them with suffering & not us.
Hate can kill you in time, look how unhappy the UD are & how the only happiness they can find is condeming others for their free will & thinking.

WOKE they call themselves, LOL they like their Smart Phones are Dumb asses for sure. Like Children they act up wanting to turn everything upside down.
If we like PB&J they want to make the PB taste like Spam & the jelly not out of normal fruit but something only a child would want only to get a say over
a normal thinking adult. The act like Children with out parents :oops: lord of the **** flies, if you will.

I just would like us to stop falling for all the hate & just live the way we believe to be Gods way. Let the Hate they create just shorten their miserable
worthless lives & let us become healthy & strong the way Americans do in a crisis.