Make gun ban unconstitutional in SC


New Fanatic
Feb 23, 2013
I think we need to follow other states and make any laws affecting the 2 Amendment unconstitutional
in South Carolina. Please contact your local Representative,Senator,Attorney General and Governor and tell them we ain't going
to let the Federal government take our guns. So lets get a bill passed making it illegal for the Feds to come in our state and inforce
there unconstitutional laws


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 7, 2011
if it works, well cool but whats wrong with just saying "will not be infringed"? AND MAKE THEM REMOVE SOME OF THE STUPID LAWS WE HAVE. sorry caps lock


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
This is not an approach worth investing a ton of resources in, although it is a nice symbolic gesture.
1) It is unlikely to pass. SC can't even figure out open carry or restaurant carry for goodness sake's, and you think this will pass?
2) Even if it does pass, it will likely be struck down in court. There is a lawsuit pending about Montana's Firearms Freedom Act and I suspect the supremacy clause means federal law will trump it.
3) Even if it passes and is held up in court, SC is unable to stand independently. Do you think the feds will just let ATF agents get arrested? No, they'll hit SC in the wallet, hard. SC is dependent on federal funds. Without federal money the state would be hugely in the red. And that's before you even go down the Fort Sumter 2.0 road.

I appreciate the effort (my home state of Alaska's is coming along rapidly!) and think they are a useful distraction to force antigun people to fight on multiple fronts. That said a bill that criminalizes any state employee's assistance to federal authorities would be much more likely to hold up in court and be useful. "Sure feds, come on in to enforce -- but you get no help from 'fusion centers,' no professional courtesy from local LEOs, no copies of CWP records -- nothing! Enjoy your stay at the holiday inn." Most federal LE are not manned anywhere near what is needed to do large scale counter-gun ops on their own and they need local support and help.

I'd prefer to see our efforts put into things that would help in a practical way and are likely to pass, like restaurant carry or even constitutional carry.

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