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Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
As a follow up to my last question. Are we involved in a Holy war the likes of which has never be seen? In a war such as that are there any rules? ( Rules in war, ridiculous) Are we truly willing to fight to the last man? Something to think of. Myself and Miss LD have chosen the hill we are willing to die on. If God is for us what human can stand against us? I believe Paul said For me to live is Christ, and to die us gain. This life is temporary, barely a spec in time. Eternity is forever. Chose wisely. So ends the sermon.

Mike Galway

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 5, 2018
East Central Missouri
This may seem a foolish question, but does every Muslim hate Christians and desire to kill then? Is it a choice, are they taught to think that? This is a serious question.
I'm sure not all Muslims hate Americans. But, if they follow the Koran faithfully, that's another story. I would suggest you do your own research rather than ask a bunch of random gun enthusiasts on the internet.
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Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
Thank you Mike. You answered my question basically the way I hoped you would. I don't believe they all hate us either. But sometimes I just have to reaffirm what I think. For the record, I really care what a bunch of random guys think, at least this bunch of random guys. I'm glad to be associated with this group, and I truly value your opinions. Thank you again. I'd be proud to share a fix hole with you anytime. I've also prayed a variation of that prayer many times. By the way Thank you for your service to this country. Also thank you to any and all who have served or who do serve now. We owe you all a debt we can never repay.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
It appears I may have gotten my Mikes mixed up in my last post. If I did I apologize. What I said still goes. I respect the opinions of everyone on here, and I mean no disrespect to any of you. This is an amazing bunch of folks, with a vast amount of knowledge, and I'm proud to be associated with all of you.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
I'm sure not all Muslims hate Americans. But, if they follow the Curan faithfully, that's another story. I would suggest you do your own research rather than ask a bunch of random gun enthusiasts on the internet.
I respectfully disagree. Of course we should all do our own research, but some of that research can be probing the minds of others. Especially when there is at least some trust in the people you're conversing with. A good conversation can at least produce a few leads for research.

I believe a small group of us here have formed a friendship that involves respect and some trust of one anothers knowledge. We certainly all have the same values, some age and wisdom to share, and we even have similar interests. We have formed a brotherhood of sorts, and brothers help each other.

As for Muslims, if they truly follow Islamic teaching, they are taught that all non-Muslims are Infidels. That word, Infidel, is very important. The Koran insructs its followers to do whatever is necessary, including lying, stealing, and killing Infidels to progress in Islam's goal of a pure Muslim world. To a Muslim, Infidels are something akin to an animal that the world needs to be free of.

.....IF a Muslim follows the teaching of Muhammad, this will be their belief system, but if they are among many non-Muslims, they will lie about this as they are instructed to do.

Go ahead and research this. You'll find it right in the Koran.

Mike Galway

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 5, 2018
East Central Missouri
I respectfully disagree. Of course we should all do our own research, but some of that research can be probing the minds of others. Especially when there is at least some trust in the people you're conversing with. A good conversation can at least produce a few leads for research.

I believe a small group of us here have formed a friendship that involves respect and some trust of one anothers knowledge. We certainly all have the same values, some age and wisdom to share, and we even have similar interests. We have formed a brotherhood of sorts, and brothers help each other.

As for Muslims, if they truly follow Islamic teaching, they are taught that all non-Muslims are Infidels. That word, Infidel, is very important. The Koran insructs its followers to do whatever is necessary, including lying, stealing, and killing Infidels to progress in Islam's goal of a pure Muslim world. To a Muslim, Infidels are something akin to an animal that the world needs to be free of.

.....IF a Muslim follows the teaching of Muhammad, this will be their belief system, but if they are among many non-Muslims, they will lie about this as they are instructed to do.

Go ahead and research this. You'll find it right in the Koran.
Your last two sentences were my entire point.

John Galt

Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 11, 2018
Idaho, kalifornistan
This may seem a foolish question, but does every Muslim hate Christians and desire to kill then? Is it a choice, are they taught to think that? This is a serious question.
They demand you to convert or die.

they practice takia (pardon spelling) which means you lie to achieve your goals of world domination. It's not that they hate Americans, they hate infidels wherever they find them.

all moslems I have known are very nice people when they are in the minority and they will brutally murder you and your family if they are in the majority. If they are "peaceful" they are not conforming to the koran.

It's us or them

burn the koran!!!!

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