Interesting Speech - Tarek Fatah talks at Ideacity


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 10, 2010
Broken Arrow
I am not sure if many of you have seen this video or not but I thought it was pretty interesting.

Additionally, I am working on an essay regarding this speach for my American Studies class and would like your opinions and interpretations of parts of the video. Thanks.


The white Morgan Freeman
Jan 13, 2011
That was a very good speech. The illumination of the ignorance of the North American public is of particular note, indeed the most important facet of the entire communication. Ignorant turds make for poor voters, poor citizens, and poor leaders.


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
For the record, I really enjoyed it, and hope most will take the time to listen as well. The American society has been dumbed down by the media and political correctness. People in general, are comfortable with losing their rights a piece at a time. Some are not comfortable with it. This gentleman is not, and is speaking out. His message needs to be heard.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
What I find amusing is that people think that the decomposition of the American educational system and the death of the classical education is merely a side effect of other events in our culture, a symptom if you will, rather than an engineered and carefully selected tool to minimize the overtaking of old world masoginistic and tribal ideology with the essence of freedom. You see America stand for everything that evil dictators and tribal warlords hate the world over. At its core, the America envisioned by the founding fathers was one that spread freedom, not suffering. An America that sought peace, not war, an America that allowed people to pursue their dreams, not be pursecuted because of them. It is quintessentially agaisnt the tribalistic nature to be civilized and to be at peace with men, rather than take from them and kill them. But the power mongers exist in more dangerous posiitions and wear a facade of civility that shocks most. Ghadafi wore suits worth tens of thousands of dollars, but to quote fight club, sticking feathers up your butt doesnt make you a chicken. But the rabbit hole spirals deeper. In our country, I would venture to say since its inception, there have been forces at work looking to further their goals of money and power. One of the most notiable being the Federal Reserve bank. It is no more federal than federal express, the system is designed to keep the population and government in debt. To control the debt that conflicts create and instill the belief that it is acceptable and proper to measure ones self against a sliding credit scale. To assess ones value on the score determined but Experian and Equifax. The vehicle of materialistic capitalism, while pure in intent, is a perfect mode to carry this standard to the country. We are inundated with advertisements with expensive cars, and jewelry and houses and "things" that we cannot afford. We take a loan to afford it, but do we really own it? We believe that this is how society works, and because of the degrading system of education, and liberal conditioning, we do not question. But men were not meant to live this way. Re read the declaration of independence and think hard about what it means to be herded like cattle into a life of debt...

J.t. Stapleton

Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 20, 2011
That was a great speech but I don't think it was news to most. The thing I take away from it is that it takes an Indian Muslim in a wheelchair to be able to say this without being crucified for it. This man definitely speaks the truth but if I were to get up on a stage and read the exact same speech, word for word, I would be labeled as a racist, extremist, gun-toting, Republican, red neck. Those that feel like I do probably are the majority but we don't want the problems that come with speaking our mind, so we figure we'll just vote accordingly and that things will work out. The problem from this is that the candidates available to vote for are a compromise at best and don't carry our feelings to congress for fear of losing their position from the media consequences that will follow. It's horrible and honestly painful to say but until there several more terrorist attacks on this country, I don't think the public will get it. I sure hope I'm wrong but until then I will at least be proud to be a native from a state that has been telling the federal government to go pound salt for a long time. Somehow you Okies do a lot of the same things without the back-lash we get here, must be the proximity to the unfortunate state to our left.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 10, 2010
Broken Arrow
Alright, do you guys have some suggestions on what would be some good points from this video to discuss in an essay regarding american studies with respect to ideologies, culture, race, nationalism, disability, etc. I am writing the essay for my American Studies class. I am an engineering student and quite frankly hate writing and seem to always develop a huge writer's block when it comes to stuff like this. Thanks.


The white Morgan Freeman
Jan 13, 2011
I would cover the bizarre cultural phenomenon of all-inclusiveness, if possible, as our country is a Republican Democracy. Including people in decision-making capacities whose ideologies are in direct opposition to our fundamental laws is illogical and counter-productive. Not that freedom of religion should be attacked, but all prevalent religions are now moving to have a hand in the American government (which is unconstitutional), and while there are some few commonalities none of them align with our social structure, legal structure, or Constitution. The Constitution is not self-contradictory.

And maybe cover a lack of nationalism. Everyone desires recognition as an individual, but society is a team. The team is lacking at the moment, severely. That idea can cover quite a number of pages.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
I would cover the breakdown of morality as a guiding fixture in American Society due to the rampany proliferation of a polictically correct idealism. This in turn allowing Americans to be conditioned into a liberal idealism where they are almost ashamed to be American. We are so afraid to offend others that we do not speak when we know something is wrong and the systematic shunning of those who choose morality over convienence. I can tell you your writing will not be popular is most crowds. But I think that is the point anyway...good luck

J.t. Stapleton

Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 20, 2011
Know your teacher. I can promise you if your professor does not like the content your grade will suffer, I've proven it to more than one. Unfortunately very few can grade objectively.

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