Been so long since I shot my Mini 14, can't even remember. A host of AR's have taken it's place.. same for my Mini 30.. both collect dust in the safe.
My AR's are way more accurate.. & since my 14 was bought before they introduced the Ranch rifles, mounting a scope on it has been an challenge.
Bought a B-Square mount for it, but no matter how tight I tighten the screw holding the mount to the rifle, it shoots loose with use.
That & the weird way Mini rifles magazijnes have to be inserted ( line up hole in mag & snap back to lock it in place.) should be easy.. & really not that difficult, just odd to me. Not exactly easy to do fast mag changes, when compared to an AR
Other issues II had with my Mini's.. no brass catcher available for it ( that work well) and mounting a bipod isn't easy, unless you screw a stud into the wood stock. Years ago I bought a polymer /SS folding stock for both my Mini's , I like having a pistol grip, but it's in the way when dropping the trigger group for cleaning.
Since it's cold here, & I taking a break from loading ammo, decided to go thru & clean rifles. Did the 14 & 30, + a BCA side charging AR in 7,62 X 39
Couldn't believe I'd put the Mini 30 away w/o cleaning it,, spent over 2 hrs. cleaning the gas system..though Ruger says it's not necessary "for routine cleaning"
Good thing the 14 was clean, as was the BCA AR, just a patch down the bore to remove dust..