
Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 8, 2012
Broken Arrow, Ok.
I am furious , I guess we might as will take down the flag that was carried by the soldiers who slaughtered the Indians G which flag was that, i'm sorry but the confederate flag should stay it is a big part of South Carolina history whether it's good or bad soldiers who believed in their state died carrying this flag , if people don't want to live in a state that flies this flag move someplace else , everybody wants to change everything in this country eventually it will no longer be this country , children are no longer educated about history not educated about the rights they have , children in school they are no longer allowed to think outside the box they have to conform , it seems they want all States to be the same all religions to be the same all people to think the same and most of all do what you're told to do, and for bid we offend anybody Who wants to change this country into something that they think it should be


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 7, 2011
Midnight Raver said:
Tigerstripe said:
ok you dad blasted yankees. :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

let them take it, at least the flag is supposed to go to a museum.

so who wants to join Louis Faricon and take down the US Flags from STATE houses? :eek:

Don't go blaming the dad blasted Yankees, blame the whole country for all of this mess. I learned plenty enough about our Civil War as a kid to know what it was really all about.

In schools today they do not teach history any more, they teach opinions. Kids are not educated any more, they are only shown how to take standardized tests. This is the way it is now in the 21st century, welcome to the machine.

im not blaming my American brothers, but our polititicians are another story.

BTW, look up a story from 50 years or so ago named "the machine". pretty neat for so old. it may be 100 years old. i think i saw it on the intergoogle, ill look.


Well-Known Fanatic
May 22, 2010
Summerville SC
I've read every post on this topic, and have come to one conclusion. This debate has accomplished the end goal for those that started it, getting all parties concerned to argue and fight with each other, rather than stand united against the evil that lurks in our midst disguised as political correctness. I too, am greatful to the people of the Charleston area, for not giving these outsiders what they were looking for.

Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna once said, those that forget their history are doomed to repeat it, I guess he never counted on the possibility that no one would actually learn their history in the first place.

This is just my opinion.


Well-Known Fanatic
May 22, 2011
Charleston, SC
Americans forget their history each time they vote Democrat or Republican.

If people won't be motivated by the dissolution of their Civil Rights (Patriot Act, asset forfeiture, et all.) Then why should anyone care about a flag from a small part of a failed rebellion?

The flag on the monument in Columbia is not an SC flag. It is also not the flag of the CSA.

It is a representation.


Well-Known Fanatic
May 22, 2011
Charleston, SC
Your lack of empathy is giving me a headache but I refuse to take an aspirin because there is a cotton ball blocking the opening and I will trigger an emotional breakdown with such a callous and flippant mockery of cotton picking.

This is Bush's fault.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 15, 2012
Goose Creek SC
The blue and red versions of our Palmetto State flags were used over Charleston when the first shots were fired.......Why are they allowed to fly?


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 20, 2012
Coastal SC
44lover said:
I've read every post on this topic, and have come to one conclusion. This debate has accomplished the end goal for those that started it, getting all parties concerned to argue and fight with each other, rather than stand united against the evil that lurks in our midst disguised as political correctness. I too, am greatful to the people of the Charleston area, for not giving these outsiders what they were looking for.

Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna once said, those that forget their history are doomed to repeat it, I guess he never counted on the possibility that no one would actually learn their history in the first place.

This is just my opinion.

Actually, it was George Santayana in "The Life of Reason": "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", although there is some disagreement about the translation from Spanish. Anyway:

Yesterday I drove past a rally where a bunch of guys in pickups with oversized Confederate flags in the beds congregated in an old parking lot while duly overseen by several police cruisers. My nine year old understood it perfectly: Who cares? What a bunch of guys want to do with a piece of cloth on a hot afternoon is their business.

Just another episode of being manipulated; the false dichotomy presented as black vs. white, rich vs. poor, south vs. north, Democrat vs. Republican. Different shades of vanilla. Difference without a distinction.

Even my grade schooler understands that what piece of cloth hanging at the statehouse would not have made one ounce of difference to a madman in a church. But they are both products of the same problem.

Ask the real questions. Focus on the real problems. And it's not the evil of political correctness, that's just another symptom.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 7, 2011
FunkyMonkey said:
44lover said:
I've read every post on this topic, and have come to one conclusion. This debate has accomplished the end goal for those that started it, getting all parties concerned to argue and fight with each other, rather than stand united against the evil that lurks in our midst disguised as political correctness. I too, am greatful to the people of the Charleston area, for not giving these outsiders what they were looking for.

Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna once said, those that forget their history are doomed to repeat it, I guess he never counted on the possibility that no one would actually learn their history in the first place.

This is just my opinion.

Actually, it was George Santayana in "The Life of Reason": "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", although there is some disagreement about the translation from Spanish. Anyway:

Yesterday I drove past a rally where a bunch of guys in pickups with oversized Confederate flags in the beds congregated in an old parking lot while duly overseen by several police cruisers. My nine year old understood it perfectly: Who cares? What a bunch of guys want to do with a piece of cloth on a hot afternoon is their business.

Just another episode of being manipulated; the false dichotomy presented as black vs. white, rich vs. poor, south vs. north, Democrat vs. Republican. Different shades of vanilla. Difference without a distinction.

Even my grade schooler understands that what piece of cloth hanging at the statehouse would not have made one ounce of difference to a madman in a church. But they are both products of the same problem.

Ask the real questions. Focus on the real problems. And it's not the evil of political correctness, that's just another symptom.

im old and i just woke up but im not sure i understand or agree with you.

i see this as a big problem. simply put, when a minority of people convince our "leaders" to have some meetings to decide what to do with those guys in their pick-up trucks and their GUNS, do we just sit at home and watch the disgusting display on TV of the flag being ... ah i mean guns being confiscated?


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 19, 2010
Elgin, SC
The removal of the Confederate flag is just the start of an attempt to change the Southern lifestyle that we people of the south enjoy by changing our history. In Tennessee they have voted to dig up and move the bodies of Nathan Forrest and his wife and to remove the statue they are buried under. In New Orleans there is a proposal to remove 3 Confederate statues, including one of Robert E. Lee. The people of the south black and white need too look at the forest and not the tree. People in this country of a more liberal and progressive mind who live in the northeast and on the west coast want to change the south. They see us holding the country back from becoming more like European nations, you know like Greece where the banks are closed because they are out of money. They think the south is the only place in the country that still believes in God. The south is the only place that still has guns. We are backwards thinking because we like to rely on ourselves, and our neighbors and not the government. They do not like our way of life and want to change it. These sick low life's who think they are better than us and know what is good for us took a tragic event, the killing of our 9 fellow citizens and politicized it before the blood was even dry. They were hoping we would be as progressive as Ferguson and have our own protests and riots. That did not happen. We came together black, white and all colors and grieved. They had to find something else to stir up the races and the flag was it. It is just the first tree of the south that they have cut down. They will not stop until we Southerner's of all colors do not recognize this land and lifestyle that we love. Don't believe it just read this. http://www.politico.com/magazine/sto...1#.VaJoIfnkprn


Well-Known Fanatic
May 22, 2011
Charleston, SC
It isn't an attack on the South.

It is an attack on "you hurt my feelings."

The US is a weakened nation that panders to whiny, self-absorbed pussies.

We are experiencing Balkanization. The Tennessee flag that South Carolina flew at their Capitol building is merely collateral damage.

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