Benelli problems?


Red Neck Tactical
Feb 6, 2011
San Antonio, TX
There seems to be a large number of shooters with Benelli problems lately, it seems to me that most of them are from shooters doing mods to the guns when none should have been done. way too many shooters buy the gun and then ask everyone on the interweb what they should do to the gun to make it "better". The whole list of must have mods is enough to make me puke!!!

other than making sure you can get enough shells into the gun to be competitive, there really is NO need to mod the gun. The other interesting thing is who is replying to these questions about "What mods do I need" do they know what makes the gun run, do they know what it takes to keep the gun running, or do they just want to be the first one to reply??? Is there experience with multiple guns of different manufacture or just thier gun??? Do they have years and years and years of experience or just a couple or one???
There are a whole bunch of what Mr. Miller and I call "gun drivers" out there, and some of them are very good drivers but we wouldn't trust them to clean our guns much less anything else. So how do you know the replies you're getting to your questions are valid or BS.

Then when you do decide to listen to someone that knows little to nothing other than what they've heard someone else say before. you wind up with issues that give you headaches and cause you to pull your hair out. On this forum you have very good sources of info for the guns we use in multigun, utilize them, don't ask the masses. that was the premise for the "ask the experts" forum that had to be closed because "everybody" figured they were experts!!!

there are many variables that go into keeping a gun running, the little tolerances all need to be within certain specs, its when we get out of spec that the gun decides "FY" I ain't running!!! Its then that you the shooter needs to be able recognize what the malfunction really is, or find the person that KNOWS, not thinks they know!!!!

When it comes to doing mods to guns,...more is not better!!!



The white Morgan Freeman
Jan 13, 2011
"Ask the Experts" died from a cumulative disease caused by a near-total lack of answers from the experts combined with non-experts trying to fill the void by answering the questions with less-experienced advice. **** happens.


ATAS Ninja
Sep 16, 2010
"Ask the Experts" died from a cumulative disease caused by a near-total lack of answers from the experts combined with non-experts trying to fill the void by answering the questions with less-experienced advice. **** happens.

this. And most of the time when I check B.S. throughout the day on my iPhone 4 I don't even look to see what section its in. Only when I heard bitching that I wasn't an expert and/or the question wasn't directed towards me and to shut the hell up did I notice it was in fact in the "Ask The Experts" section.. only to see some questions sit for days and weeks without so much as a fart from said 'experts'. I understand most people are busy being busy but being labeled an expert should hold some responsibility to help out those calling that person an 'expert'. Experts are experts. Expert. What a funny word.


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Trapr, this brings to mind last night at the range. We had some folks out shooting. One of our best local shooters was out there, and we were dropping steel.
Some new shooters that were friends tried the steel, with a 9mm, and a .380 pocket gun. They couldn't even hit the steel complaining of too much recoil.
Our shooter used the same guns, putting head shots on all of the steel pretty quick.
My point is, you can make a million mods to anything, but its the operator that is first and foremost that makes a gun that "runs".
Mods are fine, but they don't make up for inexperience.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 26, 2010
Oklahoma City, Okla
I've been playing with the little CZ shotguns and I AM NO EXPERT! do I sorta have a clue what I'm doing? yes but I AM NO EXPERT!

Biggest thing I see are people wanting the cool new goodies that pop up on the internet, does it help? some do but 90% of the stuff can't help someone who doesn't have a clue how to put together the things needed to break a clean shot, they look cool though LOL

I have seen more folks than I care too (in the LR game mainly) that throw a mess of money at really awesome stuff just to figure out it really doesn't help them at all? these are the people who don't know HOW to make a good shot! there are several things that go into making a good shot and some folks just don't practice or biggest thing practice the wrong things! I don't think it matters one damn bit HOW many rounds you shoot but did you have a good practice? back in my LR days I would be laying on the ground shooting targets and ya know I may only shoot 20 rounds or less in a 4 hour session, it's the quality of practice not the amount of ammo you threw downrange cause those 20 rounds were done correctly not just shooting 100 rounds all willy nilly. Later,

Sep 17, 2010
Ive quit long ago giving real diagnoses on the internet, except when I know the fellow personally and I trust him to have his head not up his ass.


Doc's Gun Store
Jan 13, 2011
Pryor, OK
this. And most of the time when I check B.S. throughout the day on my iPhone 4 I don't even look to see what section its in. Only when I heard bitching that I wasn't an expert and/or the question wasn't directed towards me and to shut the hell up did I notice it was in fact in the "Ask The Experts" section.. only to see some questions sit for days and weeks without so much as a fart from said 'experts'. I understand most people are busy being busy but being labeled an expert should hold some responsibility to help out those calling that person an 'expert'. Experts are experts. Expert. What a funny word.

Same here.


I'm addicted to kicking ass
Sep 11, 2010
Guthrie, OK
I haven't seen many Benelli problems if any in my squad at the last 4-5 local 3 gun matches I've shot. Of course most of those guns were worked on by Accurate Iron so they got exactly what they needed. The biggest problem I see with Benellis is a mag tube spring that too long, too short, or worn out. Heck I had a one fail to come all the way out of the tube in the Pro Series match because the Florida beach sand got up in my tube and was causing additional friction around the follower. Lesson learned! Cleaning that follower and swabbing the tube might be necessary in adverse conditions between stages much like we all do with our pistol mags. The 2nd most prevelant problem I see is someone ordering a welded lifter and installing it themselves not knowing that the top needs to be tuned or bent to keep the shells from running into the barrel shroud our upper portion of the receiver. I did this myself. Picked up a lifter from mike and never brought him the gun. So when I shot it NO GO! Thankfully KurtM lives just down the street and jes alwats willing to help us and teach us so a 6 pack or do later it was ready to run.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 25, 2011
Edmond, OK
Mr. Gibson and all, the reason the "ask the experts" died is because everytime someone would ask, the rest of you chimed in with what to do and why what the expert said to do was wrong or wouldn't work. It didn't take long before I decided to quit answering because I got tired of arguing.(see the one thread I renamed "arguing with the pros" if Jesse will bring it back). Now you all say the reason was that I never answered your questions, but if you notice at first I answered all of them, but I found that almost all of you guys know far more than I do and like to argue about why I don't know what I am talking about, so I ask you...would you keep it up??? And then I got tons of P.M.s asking when X became part of Red Neck Tactical, which they wern't but boy they sure made everyone think they were so, I told Jesse to zap it all away...out of frustration. Now I will admit twards the end I refused to answer questions and they would sit there on the forum, but many times I answered them in a P.M. rather than argue with all you experts. So I know like most of the entitlement generation you all expected an answer, but you guys taught me to be this way, and it is the reason I don't post much on Boomer any longer. Y'all can figure it out for yourselves like I had to.


Doc's Gun Store
Jan 13, 2011
Pryor, OK
Wow, Kurt. I don't know you well but that doesn't sound like you. You've always been very giving when it comes to sharing your vast knowldege. I'm very sorry that you have become so jaded towards forums. If I ever "contributed" to a thread that was supposed to be for the experts, and thus contributed towards you feeling this way, I apologize. I doubt I did knowingly, as I would obviously defer to you. I, like others have posted, did on occasion post in the "ask the experts" threads due to me checking on my cell phone and not realizing that it was an "ask the experts" question. Anyway, I hope this was just a rant and you continue to contribute.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 25, 2011
Edmond, OK
I am not looking for an appology from anyone, I am only giving my view point on why the thread died. as for sharing, no one was listening anyway so what have you really lost? As for forums, I sometimes joke with Jesse here, and for the first time since Novemeber posted a quick review of the 3-Gun Nationals over on Enos. It just ain't my thang anymore.


The white Morgan Freeman
Jan 13, 2011
It didn't take long before I decided to quit answering because I got tired of arguing.(see the one thread I renamed "arguing with the pros" if Jesse will bring it back). Now you all say the reason was that I never answered your questions, but if you notice at first I answered all of them, but I found that almost all of you guys know far more than I do and like to argue about why I don't know what I am talking about, so I ask you...would you keep it up???
I think I must have joined after these arguments. The only one I can remember is my own thread regarding magazine tuning, and your only post in it was a wise thing about GMs still getting to shoot Glocks.


Doc's Gun Store
Jan 13, 2011
Pryor, OK
I am not looking for an appology from anyone, I am only giving my view point on why the thread died. as for sharing, no one was listening anyway so what have you really lost? As for forums, I sometimes joke with Jesse here, and for the first time since Novemeber posted a quick review of the 3-Gun Nationals over on Enos. It just ain't my thang anymore.

Well, after taking your rifle class, anytime you are talking, I'm listening. So you do have some stalkers that listen even when you think your being drowned out by idiots.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 25, 2011
Edmond, OK
P.M.s almost always work, but be pataient, like I said I don't check in here much anymore

J.t. Stapleton

Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 20, 2011
Mr. Gibson and all, the reason the "ask the experts" died is because everytime someone would ask, the rest of you chimed in with what to do and why what the expert said to do was wrong or wouldn't work. It didn't take long before I decided to quit answering because I got tired of arguing.(see the one thread I renamed "arguing with the pros" if Jesse will bring it back). Now you all say the reason was that I never answered your questions, but if you notice at first I answered all of them, but I found that almost all of you guys know far more than I do and like to argue about why I don't know what I am talking about, so I ask you...would you keep it up??? And then I got tons of P.M.s asking when X became part of Red Neck Tactical, which they wern't but boy they sure made everyone think they were so, I told Jesse to zap it all away...out of frustration. Now I will admit twards the end I refused to answer questions and they would sit there on the forum, but many times I answered them in a P.M. rather than argue with all you experts. So I know like most of the entitlement generation you all expected an answer, but you guys taught me to be this way, and it is the reason I don't post much on Boomer any longer. Y'all can figure it out for yourselves like I had to.

This really sucks to put it bluntly but I can certainly understand. You are one of a handful of people I really wanted to meet at the SMM3G, partly because of who you are but mostly because I wanted to thank you for all the knowledge you were willing to give out over the years and the resulting hours of practice. I lost my nerve to go up and introduce myself because one of your tac limited buddies who I speak to regularly (local shooter) was a total ass to me when I dare speak to him in front of all the "special shirt" shooters after the match. Luckily I got to shoot with some other bad ass Okies and thanks to their genuinely great character, I would never fear asking them anything - nor would I question their answers. I hope it's just the internet non-sense that has you pulling away from the masses because I'm pretty sure we'd have a great time telling lies over a 12 pack. All I'm saying is please don't crap on all of us noobs, I'm getting tired of losing people to look up to.


I'm addicted to kicking ass
Sep 11, 2010
Guthrie, OK
This really sucks to put it bluntly but I can certainly understand. You are one of a handful of people I really wanted to meet at the SMM3G, partly because of who you are but mostly because I wanted to thank you for all the knowledge you were willing to give out over the years and the resulting hours of practice. I lost my nerve to go up and introduce myself because one of your tac limited buddies who I speak to regularly (local shooter) was a total ass to me when I dare speak to him in front of all the "special shirt" shooters after the match. Luckily I got to shoot with some other bad ass Okies and thanks to their genuinely great character, I would never fear asking them anything - nor would I question their answers. I hope it's just the internet non-sense that has you pulling away from the masses because I'm pretty sure we'd have a great time telling lies over a 12 pack. All I'm saying is please don't crap on all of us noobs, I'm getting tired of losing people to look up to.

Well said brother! I spent the first two years of my 3 gun life reading old posts from Kurt on Enos and IPSC Global Village.

Then I found out he lived down the street and likes beer. Now I can ask more stupid questions than he can answer.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 26, 2010
Oklahoma City, Okla
Wish I could get ahold of him, I don't have any questions but I need a good reason to drive that way and drink some new beer and smoke a cigar LOL

i don't know why Kurt helped me like he did but I'm damn happy for the help! I doubt I could take enough beer to repay him but I have found that I can offer help to some when I have a clue what I'm talking about and it makes me feel good. Kurt helped get me going on the CZ shotgun and since I have played with all sorts of things on that shotgun.

We have a mess of good folks around this area that I think I can call friends, don't get to see everyone as much as I'd like but hey I think they call that life. I can fully understand where folks get tired of answering questions on the boards, I used to help some folks over on another place we won't talk about with LR hunting and I finally got fed up with the folks in recliners who read try to tell me I didn't know WTF I was talking about or that I was unethical to the point I just don't go there anymore! I know I could surely bother you guys more but I understand you have lives and I hate to take much of that time. Later,
