Am I the only one?

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I know what
and the Aaron Lewis song, Only one, created more emotion than I usually allow. Thanks again to you all for giving a shiot
I know what you mean Brother getting old is a *****. I thought I had dry eye, until, well err you know. :)

Are we the only one's? The ability to speak freely in America has been wounded & hurt from many enemies
domestic & abroad.

Any one know of another Forum as free as ours? Not a tweeter I only come here & to my Organic Farm Forum no
where else. So what's happening around the Forums world? Over at Addicts they control everything that is posted,
so there is no Free speech left over there.

We have been very lucky to have 1911 Fanatics where we can exchange ideas & speak our minds freely without
fear of being punished or Banned. It's Like living in a Communist Country already ain't it?

When did accepting Communism as an alternative to Freedom & liberty? How did Americans become so Stupid that
they can not tell the Communist are lying to them? Communism is there in History books to read about, if you can read
without filters put there by our Educational system filled with Communist Teachers.

The Communist have a Foot hold in our Country & they will not leave if you politely ask them to. :confused: History has shown
us the way to throw off the yoke of Tyranny by real Communist. They have America by the Balls & will not let go that easy
they want to sink their Evil fangs into this Fat cow & suck the life out of her until there is No America left.

You know Russia & China are helping all those 33% of the Willing Idiots to rot America from within & seem to being a great
job so far. They put in Demonrats to take complete control of our elections & the federal & many state Governments.

It's hard when the 33% control what the 66% of true Americans will have to endure for however long.
Once Communism take root it will be near impossible to take her back.

If somehow we do win her back. We have the Constitution of the United States Of America as a guide.
Lot more than most countries have.
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Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
I know what

I know what you mean Brother getting old is a *****. I thought I had dry eye, until, well err you know. :)

Are we the only one's? The ability to speak freely in America has been wounded & hurt from many enemies
domestic & abroad.

Any one know of another Forum as free as ours? Not a tweeter I only come here & to my Organic Forum no
where else. So what's happening around the Forums world? Over at Addicts they control everything that is posted,
so there is no Free speech left over there.

We have been very lucky to have 1911 Fanatics where we can exchange ideas & speak our minds freely without
fear of being punished or Banned. It's Like living in a Communist Country already ain't it?

When did accepting Communism as an alternative to Freedom & liberty? How did Americans become so Stupid that
they can not tell the Communist are lying to them? Communism is there in History books to read about, if you can read
without filters put there by our Educational system filled with Communist Teachers.

The Communist have a Foot hold in our Country & they will not leave if you politely ask them to. :confused: History has shown
us the way to throw off the yoke of Tyranny by real Communist. They have America by the Balls & will not let go that easy
they want to sink their Evil fangs into this Fat cow & suck the life out of her until there is No America left.

You know Russia & China are helping all those 33% of the Willing Idiots to rot America from within & seem to being a great
job so far. They put in Demonrats to take complete control of our elections & the federal & many state Governments.

It's hard when the 33% control what the 66% of true Americans will have to endure for however long.
Once Communism take root it will be near impossible to take her back.

If somehow we do win her back. We have the Constitution of the United States Of America as a guide.
Lot more than most countries have.
It sure feels like the groundwork is being laid for some crazy times.


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 3, 2021
I know what

I know what you mean Brother getting old is a *****. I thought I had dry eye, until, well err you know. :)

Are we the only one's? The ability to speak freely in America has been wounded & hurt from many enemies
domestic & abroad.

Any one know of another Forum as free as ours? Not a tweeter I only come here & to my Organic Farm Forum no
where else. So what's happening around the Forums world? Over at Addicts they control everything that is posted,
so there is no Free speech left over there.

We have been very lucky to have 1911 Fanatics where we can exchange ideas & speak our minds freely without
fear of being punished or Banned. It's Like living in a Communist Country already ain't it?

When did accepting Communism as an alternative to Freedom & liberty? How did Americans become so Stupid that
they can not tell the Communist are lying to them? Communism is there in History books to read about, if you can read
without filters put there by our Educational system filled with Communist Teachers.

The Communist have a Foot hold in our Country & they will not leave if you politely ask them to. :confused: History has shown
us the way to throw off the yoke of Tyranny by real Communist. They have America by the Balls & will not let go that easy
they want to sink their Evil fangs into this Fat cow & suck the life out of her until there is No America left.

You know Russia & China are helping all those 33% of the Willing Idiots to rot America from within & seem to being a great
job so far. They put in Demonrats to take complete control of our elections & the federal & many state Governments.

It's hard when the 33% control what the 66% of true Americans will have to endure for however long.
Once Communism take root it will be near impossible to take her back.

If somehow we do win her back. We have the Constitution of the United States Of America as a guide.
Lot more than most countries have.
My LGS has shirts with there logo on the front and this inscription on the back [ REMEMBER KIDS YOU CAN VOTE SOCIALISM IN BUT YOU HAVE TO SHOOT YOUR WAY OUT ! ]


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 29, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
I'm an old man. I've had a good life. I don't know what the future holds for my Sons and my Grand Children. What I have and what I have accomplished through my life is because I was fortunate to be born and raised in the Greatest Country this world has ever known. Yeah it ain't perfect, we still gotta work somethings out, but that is the Greatest thing about this Country. We never stop trying to make it better. The people who are supposed to represent us (Ha Ha) don't give a damn about what we want or need. They listen to the ones who say this Country is bad, and should be torn down and made in a NEW way. I say NO !! It's been good for going on 250 years and will last another 250 + years if they let it. I want my Grand Children and Great Grand Children and more generations to enjoy what I have had and I'll be damned if they try to change it. If they come let them. To quote a corny movie line " We Will Not Go Quietly Into The Night".

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
We Will Not Go Quietly Into The Night".
And we will not for sure. Freedom dies in sunlight as well as in darkness all it takes is for some to put a little free stuff above personal freedoms.
Like you said one must work hard at life, nothing is free except what other people lie to you about.

Think for a moment how a child raised in a family so filled with hate for a specific race of people,& even your own family helped the liars
to brain wash each new generation. The South & Slavery never really left, it was hijacked by Evil people who would enslave all of mankind. They
took to Race hate to divide people in our country into tribes. Willing Slaves are still slaves & the DemOcoms have been behind Slavery all this time
look how they divide us using hate. We do the all the hating, it's the puppet masters calling all the shots.

Some groups have been coddled & given everything too where they expect everything in life & so expect to be taken care of.
These groups will give every ounce of theirs & your freedoms away for being taken care of. No vote will change the truth that
we have Millions of people wanting to be taken care of & do not really want the simple act of taking care of themselves.

With Cuba revolting in the streets over Communism the NY Times says the protesters are chanting anti government slogans like
WE WANT FREEDOM!! NY Times calls chants for freedom :eek: Anti Government Slogans?? We got a hell of a lot of work to do.

Where are the members of the Congressional Anti American Activities Agents in all of the BS going on? Or they are part of the takeover,
& are helping usher in the Destruction of America.


Remember also Kids it will not be you that gains Freedom again, Nope it will be long after you have died from the effects of Communism

that somewhere someday some very few Men will once again try to find Freedom & liberty. Not for you Fools who gave it all away,
that which others died 4 to gain for you.

I would never Join up or volunteer to serve as a LE officer today for Nuttin!! Many in America do not deserve the sweat off my ass.

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