Anyone seen this from Fairfax, VA school board (...bunch of "Karens")


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jun 8, 2018
A perfect example of why conservatives need to "flood the field" (can't remember who said that) after the Xiden was put in office. Dog catcher, school board, mayor, whatever, we need conservatives at all levels.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018

To Push For Gun Bans, Requirements For Parents by the same WOKE teachers that gave us back Zombies for kids.

Sounds normal to me. :eek: What else should we expect from our Commie Propagandist in the one system most responsible for just what is happening to
our Country today. Home Schooling is simple today compared to 1986 when Federal State & local A-Holes fought us tooth and nail for daring to home school
our Son.

Taking a child out of public Schools in America is an Act of love. We are seeing a Communist takeover with no holds barred, shame we can not say
the same of the Average Americans today. What are they waiting for? Another stolen Election?

There will come a time when all this will seem to become normal, & the willing idiots the 33% will just lie back & accept it all hook line & stinker.
We had a rigged Election & no one is doing anything about it at all. :eek: Except for the MSM working with the Commies to help make Biden King.

If so many parents just took their kids out of school the whole system would come crashing in on it's self. No collage instead try Apprentiships
with local craftsmen & women to learn a useful trades working with their hands. New concept I agree o_O however one that has stood the test of time.

We have seen just why they want your child to go to collage. It's always been about total indoctrination of their minds in order to hand control
of our country to the Communist. My Father saw that back in the 70s when he said our educational system has bee overtaken by Communist.

Get rid of those nasty with guns & we will have taken the country America & kill it forever. Any questions left in your mind just what these enemies
of America are planning to do to our Country?


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 17, 2021
I'm not a FaceBook user but here we go... FB is going to have "pop-ups" asking if "You think anyone you know is becoming an extremist..." So, turning in neighbors, people you don't like, family members with beliefs different than yours. And extremist will become anything FB wants them to be, own a gun and carry it to your vehicle and someone sees you...guess what, "I think he/she is an extremist...gonna tell FB..." flag laws...taxation of II Amendment (taxing ammo, having to add Liability Insurance to own a gun...they would say, well we make you carry insurance to drive a car or assault vehicle if it's painted black) preaching to choir I know, the FB one is the newest I saw written about today. Happy 4th of July Ya'll.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 29, 2020
Good God, you have to read this about what a school board in Fairfax, VA wants to do with "banning firearms" and going as far as asking kids to turn in their parents.

SERIOUSLY?!? :rolleyes: :mad:

Stalin, Hitler & now biden...only the 1st two had some brains...That's why I'm running for school board down here. Concur with communism is already here!!! Create a class struggle!!!

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Perhaps King Biden will use US Military troops to go Door to Door giving Vacs & depriving us of those nasty guns
in one fell swoop.

Not until American Parents take over & Home/Group teach their own Children, or hire American teachers who are true
to American values. Break the Government schools strong hold on $ & they will shut down the 33% idiots will still use
them only not enough $ to continue.
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