Open Carry Encounters and Perception


B Class Nobody
Mar 22, 2011
Tulsa, OK


Most people are generally neutral to gun ownership. You’re not going to convert hardcore anti-gunners, but adults in the 20s to early 30s have been raised around virtual guns, and are generally neutral on the concept…until someone gives them a reason to think that gun owners are jerks.

Like I said, I’m not saying do or don’t open carry. If you want to OC and it’s legal where you live, that’s great. Knock yourself out. But for the sake of the rest of us, please take into consideration what kind of image you’re presenting to the public at large. Because you never know when something you do will go viral. If you’re carrying a handgun around while going about your business, that’s one thing. If you’re OC’ing an MP5 clone or an AR15 in order to record yourself having encounters with the cops, you’re an attention seeking douchebag.

This is a good thing to keep in mind with OC coming up for Oklahoma. The guy in the video is an extreme version of what I call a MAH RAHTS douchebag open-carrier. Don't be that guy. I know that this forum is pretty light on MAH RAHTS but I think it bears repeating.

Also the cop in this video is probably my favorite cop of all time. I admire his professionalism. TBH if I were in his place I would likely have just tazed the guy and then "lost" the dashcam footage.


Sep 16, 2010
yeah i was shocked at the guy trying to bait the cop (i am embarrassed by the way he acted), and with the internet everyone is trying to bait cops everywhere over stupid things like this... cop was very professional... on the lines of OC (this is a honest question, i am not being sarcastic), why do people prefer to OC in public areas? i understand on the farm or at home, but if going to the mall, what advantages does OC give you??


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
People that OC for the shock value, are of the same mind set as the 17-18 year old guy I saw in flowing robes with a turban that was leading some teenage girl in a gypsy dress with a leash around her neck down the street the other day.
They were just looking for attention.

Jeff T.

Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 17, 2011
Piedmont, OK
you can't use your new cocobolo 1911 grips to pick up chicks if they're covered by a fishing vest
If you're OC'ing a 1911 with cocobolo grips, to attract girls, the girls are usually smart enough to realize that is probably all the wood you got, which makes them NOT interested.
...They were just looking for attention.
I agree they are usually just looking for attention.

I believe in the right to open carry. It is just not for me, I am not an attention hound.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 15, 2012
Wichita, KS
Wow. People always post videos when the rare exception a LEO does something wrong or acts inappropriate. In this case the officer was exceptional polite and treated them very respectfully. It nice to see a video that depicts a LEO in a good light, much the same as every encounter I have had.

That being said...these two guys probably shouldn't be carrying around a MP5 clone in public. Some people need to use better judgement.

Dustin Cantrell

Well-Known Fanatic
May 15, 2012
Cushing, OK


This is a good thing to keep in mind with OC coming up for Oklahoma. The guy in the video is an extreme version of what I call a MAH RAHTS douchebag open-carrier. Don't be that guy. I know that this forum is pretty light on MAH RAHTS but I think it bears repeating.

Also the cop in this video is probably my favorite cop of all time. I admire his professionalism. TBH if I were in his place I would likely have just tazed the guy and then "lost" the dashcam footage.

Cop was extremely professional. I expected to see a guy carrying openly and being a complete douchebag and the cop getting rattled by it and really screwing up the encounter. Cop handled the situation very well. If I am ever detained while I'm carrying, I hope the cop handles the situation as professionally as this one did.

Was anything the cop did wrong? Did he have the right to detain the guy and inspect his firearm to see if he found evidence of it being fully automatic?


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 22, 2011
Outstanding the officer in this video deserves a raise!!!! +1 for a well trained officer!!


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 26, 2011
Tulsa, OK
yeah i was shocked at the guy trying to bait the cop (i am embarrassed by the way he acted), and with the internet everyone is trying to bait cops everywhere over stupid things like this... cop was very professional... on the lines of OC (this is a honest question, i am not being sarcastic), why do people prefer to OC in public areas? i understand on the farm or at home, but if going to the mall, what advantages does OC give you??
I can't see the video here at work, so i won't comment on it. As to your question about advantages of OC: There is a lot of debate both ways, so here is my .02.
OC gives a strategic advantage in that just about all BG's that see someone OC, will go elsewhere to commit their crimes. It is hard to quantify how many crimes have been detered by OC, because you never know who just walks away. When the BG attacks, whatever you do at that point involves the tactics you have decided to employ. OC gives a tactical advantage of a quicker presentation of your weapon. Many will argue this point and say that CC gives the tactical advantage because the BG doesn't know you are carrying until you present a weapon. I disagree, tactics are what you do when the decision is made to do something. Strategy is what you do to avoid the situation in the first place, or mentally prepare for the situation, should it happen.
Anecdote - A friend of mine in Washington state OC's all the time. He is well dressed, courteous and polite. He moved to an apartment complex near a convenience store and started frequenting the store for a morning coffee and newspaper. There had been a group of people hanging around the bus stop all day, generally harrassing bus riders, and taking stuff from the C store without paying whenever they got a chance. The owner knew it but couldn't identify which one of them was taking stuff. My friend would sit on the bench near the C Store and bus stop, drinking his coffee and reading his paper. Within a few days, the group disappeared, and the owner of the C store said he wasnt losing things anymore. There is no direct evidence that OC prevented a crime, but some very strong anecdotal evidence.
Given the choice between OC detering a BG and CC surprising one in the commision of a crime, I will take OC.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
I have been OC in Nevada a little... My ok SDA is not good here

600,000 people spread over 55,000 + square miles ( most in Reno and Las Vegas).... Sagebrush doesn't complain about open pistols

I will be taking my Utah non res and Nevada classes as soon as I trade drivers licences next week.... They are running a 100 day backlog in most counties here.


El Diablo
Staff member
Sep 17, 2010
Thank you for the polite reply.
OC or CC is a personal decision, and I fully support both. The most important point is to *C.
This is probably the most intellegent statement from either side of the debate.