Neighbors Dog...


Mighty Righty
Sep 18, 2010
Oklahoma City, OK
Don I think his comment was more referring to the general response of "kill the dog" you typically get in a "what should I do about a barking dog" thread. Usually the third response or so to the question is "kill the dog" with people running away with the concept after that often getting to the point of put out a bowl of antifreeze in short order.

The dog has a retarded owner. Talk to them first, second step is befriend the dog which isn't hard at all, third step is to get some kind of outside authority involved (animal control, sherriff, whatever) if the dog is actually causing problems.

People will not respond well to threats though, so don't threaten to "dissapear the dog." It really isn't going to get you anywhere.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 23, 2010
Central, OK
At my house in town, you get one warning. Second time I call animal control. Third time the dog goes down. If I feel that the dog is a threat, it goes down immediately. I am not going to be the guy that when some kid gets his face chewed off, wishes he had done something about the dog.

At my old house in the country and current place of business, no tag, chasing livestock or being a nuisance that dog goes down immediately. A dumped dog that hasn't turned feral yet, I will take in, nurse back to health and find a home for.

I am an animal lover. But I also understand their place on the food chain.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Not all dogs that bark are aggressive. That stated if something doesn't cause the dog to stop coming up to the fence it may get braver or the idea that it is in charge. Even a medium size dog can do a lot of damage, and a powerful breed will it can be much worse. If the dog doesn't get taken care of it is neglect in or outside of the city limits. If one allows the dog to become aggressive it may be dealt with harshly or greatly injure someone.

Speaking to the neighbors / leaving a note could be a good thing and maybe not. I hate notes and would just ask to speak to them and no way would I give advice initially. Folks seem to take offense to messing in their affairs. If that doesn't work then calling the Sheriffs' Office or the county animal folks (who ever they may be for your county) That is not setting the dog up. A talk to from these last two may be enough or a fine even to do the right thing.

If the above doesn't work and you know someone who wants the dog and the dog runs lose "save it" and give it a new home. A dog that may or may not have aggressive behavior around my family is a liability. Period.

I have stated this before - when I was young I was bitten. I love dogs. My daughters dog got a hold of her last summer. Seventy thousand dollars worth of medical bills, an air medevac into the city and awaiting plastic surgery the dog is now with a friends girl friend. Even before that I watch any dog off leash and now more so. We still have my sons dog and I will get a dog in a couple of years. My daughter wants one now, but mom is still upset so I am giving my daughter some growing time.

That stated a dog is a hazard and a threat if not trained and shows aggression. A dog off leash can be a hazard and a threat. Startle a sleeping dog and you might get bitten. Allow a dog to run free they will figure out what they think is theirs especially a working / herding dog. A bored dog can be just bored or not.

No, turning a dog into a rescue is far from setting the dog up that might get killed for being aggressive or even attacking someone. You are dealing with the problem, saving the dog, and preventing bodily harm to yourself or yours. The cup is not half empty but half full.

Best with working through the situation.


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Not all dogs that bark are aggressive. That stated if something doesn't cause the dog to stop coming up to the fence it may get braver or the idea that it is in charge.
I suspect this is the whole problem.
Dogs do not bark as a breed. Barking is a learned trait with dogs. Living in town it was interesting to hear an emergency siren come by and the rukus of barking by every dog in earshot would start.
Living in the country now for 20+ years, our dogs do not bark. On occasion, the britt will do some throat thing while he is rolling across the floor with the terrier. But its a play thing.
NEVER EVER get a Brittany for a guard dog. They love everybody. Best hunting dog in history IMHO.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 15, 2010
Midwest City
True story:
A guy I knew was in a similar situation, sprayed the neighbors dog with pepper spray. Dog goes home and they let him in the house, kids pet dog... Drama ensues.

Just a thought.


Sep 16, 2010
i guess i am the only one that is shocked by the fact that people don't talk to other people. Let me tell you about our situation. We rescue alot of dogs and my wife won't take them to a kill shelter so we get them "adoptable" and then adopt them out. We rescued one that barked, and we get a note (with no name of course), threatening to call the cops and then get a lawyer involved (keeping in mind no one has actually spoken with me yet). So i had a good idea of who it was and wrote them a note apologizing and explaining that my wife would kill me if we killed the dog and it was temporary and we would get it taken care of and if the dog was a problem just to call me and left my cell phone number. They called and everything was fine and we adopted the dog out to a hunter in chickasaw a week later..

It is very upsetting to me that we have people advising drastic measures (animal control, killing dog, even this thread itself) without even talking to the owner.. It is sad to me that we live in a society that no longer talks to people man to man, face to face before taking big steps. Especially with something like a dog that some people (like my wife) consider a part of a family. (also true story) my wife said if someone breaks into the house and trys to kill me she couldn't bring herself to kill another person, but if they killed our dogs she would shoot them in a second....


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 28, 2011
Oklahoma City
Okay,,,,,time out. My neighbor and I do talk on occassion. We are not best friends or anything like that, but we do talk. We just had not had an opportunity to talk about this situation in particular yet. I hope that I didn't give the impression that I was going to do something without that conversation taking place first, hence my comment about the relationship between the two of us. It has almost always been my experience, when you talk to someone about their pets, it's worse than talking to them about their kids. Secondly, my comment about it turning out badly for the dog itself does not neccasarily mean that I was going to do harm to the dog. Unless I or someone in my family are in danger at the time, I would not harm the dog. Like everyone else, I pay taxes in order to have the folks around that get paid to deal with these issues.

I'm sorry that I posted this in the first place, I was really just blowing off a little steam from the morning bother. I didn't intend to get folks riled up. And for what it's worth, it is getting a little bit better,,,,,,somewhat. ;-)


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Your wife sounds like mine.
I've always said that when I pass to the other side, I want to come back as her dog, not spouse. :D


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Sheepishly looking up I stated "Speaking to the neighbors / leaving a note could be a good thing and maybe not. I hate notes and would just ask to speak to them and no way would I give advice initially"

Hope I am in the clear. :)


Sep 16, 2010
sorry if i came off a little strong, wasn't trying to single anyone out. more so talking about my situation.. and i fully agree with dennis :)


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
sorry if i came off a little strong, wasn't trying to single anyone out. more so talking about my situation.. and i fully agree with dennis
Do your dogs get scrambled eggs on their dog food? Mine do.
I haven't had breakfast cooked for
Me In many years.
That taught me to never complain. :D

Dustin Cantrell

Well-Known Fanatic
May 15, 2012
Cushing, OK
My neighbor's dogs used to bark because they didn't like/know me. Now, they wag their tails when they see me and if they bark it's a little quick bark to get my attention and let me know they want a snack. I sneak them hot dogs occasionally and more often trimmings from meat when I cook. I used to read water meters in the country when I was in high school and it's amazing what a hot dog each encounter will do.

Rick Means

Active Fanatic
Apr 26, 2011
Moore OK
I vote for the Dazer. Was in San Diego with friends and sitting out on their back porch their neighbor's dog started barking, and my buddy reached out and pushed a button on a key fob. The dog shut up, and ran to the other side of the yard. Later My buddy showed me a box on the side of the house that was the "speaker" part of the Dazer. Sure saved a nice evening.

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