Sue the gun makers


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 21, 2011
210 ... gun-maker/

This in from nannyburg today. The courts are allowing a lawsuit against gun manufactures to go through on a claim that the manufacturer had "reason to know that a dealer or distributor that is selling the guns is doing so irresponsibly and in some cases, illegally...? Unsurprisingly the Brady center to prevent self defense is involved in this usurpation of the court services. As usual it?s all the fault of the gun and the caliber, with no guilt attached to the person who actually shot someone.
The Brady center attorney as much as admits that its intention is to drive companies under by litigation since they can?t just outlaw them. ?Cases like this send a message that even if you don?t care about the human consequences, if you care about your bottom line you should act responsibly.?

Midnight Raver

Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 29, 2009
Dodge City, Moscowchusetts
New York...

Mayor Bloomberg must be loving this one, God forbid if he ever became their Governor. Even here in the Socialist Republic of Moscowchusetts they haven't pulled this kind of crap that I can recall. Did they even try to trace who had the gun by whomever had purchased it at the dealer? Was it stolen after the fact? Just because Hi Point firearms are priced the lowest doesn't mean they are specifically for the criminal element. In my eyes they are more akin to affordable recreation firearms, home defense weaponry at best.

Insanity in the USSA is getting way beyond rigoddamndiculous!!! :evil:


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 12, 2010
Hanahan, SC
It is nice to know that I can now, thanks to this same argument, sue GM or Ford whenever a drunk driver hits me. I mean the car manufactures and dealers should know that people drink and drive in their cars sometimes, and are therefore responsible when someone buys one of their cars and eventually causes a crash through their irresponsible behavior.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 21, 2011
Sue the guy who made your kitchen knives. they should have know that people would have accidents and cut themselves with them

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