Shoot-no shoot?


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
poopgiggle said:
For some reason I thought that the OK SDA said that Stand Your Ground doesn't apply if you verbally provoke the person who attacked you, but I can't find that in the text of the law.

Kind of. Permit me to Youtube Lawyer:

If you can make the case that the guy is so much bigger/stronger/faster that it represents a huge disparity of force then it works I think.
I found this in the Okla Self defense law.

It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in reckless conduct while having in his or her possession any shotgun, rifle or pistol, such actions consisting of creating a situation of unreasonable risk and probability of death or great bodily harm to another, and demonstrating a conscious disregard for the safety of another person. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished as provided in Section 1289.15 of this title.

I know this is a stretch, but it brings back my point of taking your shirt off to the antagonist, and offering to duke it out, but shooting the guy when it doesn't go your way.

Its the disparity of force that is the issue.

Mom and Pop in their 70's are out for an evening stroll, and some jerk saw the stroller wheel hit his lawn and wants to go above and beyond, a verbal confrontation, I can see it justified.

If your a NFL linebacker, and some little skinny guy wants to get in your face, it might be best to administer a beat down, or pass your best street taco gas, to put him down that way.

All I know is, no matter what, I pray that it never gets that far.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
SA is your friend as is being someplace else. Worse case if I knew I would have to be in the same area over and over with this guy I would make a report to the police so it would be on record.

Worse case is bad things happen. Best case is nothing happens. A good middle ground is someone takes care of the problem before you have to worry about it be it jail, hospital or a good dose of common sense.

I would never tell anyone to just take a beating for no reason. Many are at a point in their life were getting into a scuffle is far from advantageous.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 5, 2011
Edmond ok
What I was saying by take the beating is it would be better to get beat up than to shoot him in I coin flip on it being justifiable or not


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Some folks just don't have that option. Make a report if there is enough cause a restraining order. Again best friend is SA and not being where this dude is if that is possible.

Every situation is going to be different for different folks. I do agree if one is to be dragged through the court system it might be better for one to get beat up. Yet who is to say something happens in the process? I would rather live than die and would rather not be disabled or disfigured for the rest of my life. Is this guy just about pushing folks around and maybe punching them a few times or does he like to lay boots and bash heads?

Again make reports, be somewhere else if possible, SA is your friend and be prepared for whatever happens and if that is leaving your sidearm and taking a beating that one way of dealing with it. Situation sucks for sure.