Howdy Do Y'all


Oct 6, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Howdy do y'all!!! Dennis done told me about this site. Yes, I know I claimed to know him. We all must live with our bad choices. :021:

Here is me in a large nut shell.The name is Steve Petersen and I'm 33 married w/ 3 kids. I'm ex Navy as of 4 days ago and Air Force as of 3 days ago. I love to hunt and fish. Fresh burnt gunpowder is one of my 2 favorite smells in the morning. I go by Bullbuster because thats the name I use on all the forums I'm on and have for years. Guess it started when I used to ride.

You wanna know anything else just ask.

So with that said consider me the :sign0104:


Oct 6, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Out of the Navy and into the Air Force. Tell us how that came about?

LOL Blame it on Uncle Sam and the political BS in DC. Navy is downsizing by 36k people. I came up for my final enlistment and was told sorry, have a nice day, thanks for your time, now go home. It was through the PTS (Perform to Serve) program they have going. So far it has only sent the good people home and blown up in the Navy's face. My last command has been loosing 3-5 people a month because of it. In the last year not a single person in my job field has been picked up from my last unit. I was the 9th person for my job and most senior one in command. It all boiled down to a technicality that involved my last 2 duty duty assignments that sent me packing. I had 13y 9m 25 days of active duty time.

I want that retirement check so I looked at other services. The Air Force wanted me and let me keep my rank and also gave me a a sign on bonus and a much better chance at advancement.The other branches said I had to go back through boot camp again and take a reduction in rank. I've already tested for E-7 3 times in the Navy and made board each time but the % for selection is really low so I wasn't selected not to mention my time in service is much less than those being selected. I'll do the reserve thing for a year or so till I put on E-7 then apply to come back active to get my full 20 years of active time and retire.

Right now I'm trying to get my taxidermy business up and going and will do what I can to make ends meet and get bills paid.