Ed's Red


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 23, 2020
Rochester Hills, Mi
Have been transferring information (saved files) from an old computer to my new one. A slow process, as I get caught up in reading what is actually in some of these files. I ran across a recipe for "Ed's Red"… which is a great inexpensive general firearms cleaner. As everone here isn't as old as I am, thought there might be some that have never heard of Ed's Red. Thought I should include the recipe, as bore cleaners & other firearm cleaners have gotten expen$ive in recent years. This is an OLD mixture, & it's been used by many, for years. I've used it , along with other cleaners, for probably > 20 yrs.

It's made of equal parts Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, Dextron ATF, and Acetone.

It should be kept in an airtight container ( I use a glass bottle) because the acetone will evaporate.

I'd suggest avoiding prolonged contact with nice wood finishes, but I've never had a problem with it affecting a finish.

Last suggestion is wear gloves to avoid contact with skin..it can absorb into your skin with ? results. Gloves = no possible issues.

here's a link to a detailed article on Ed's Red : https://bushcraftusa.com/forum/threads/eds-red-bore-cleaner-recipe.289913/

Thought I'd include a more detailed article for those interested in varietals, or wanting to know how/why this stuff works well.

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