30 Arrested


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
OKLAHOMA CITYâ€"James E. Finch, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Oklahoma City Division announces the arrest of 30 individuals for violation of federal narcotic laws. In addition to the 30 individuals arrested yesterday, law enforcement in Oklahoma is looking for two additional individuals.
Yesterday’s event is a culmination of a three-year investigation into narcotics trafficking from California to Oklahoma. Arrests took place in Oklahoma City; Del City; Norman; Tulsa; Sacramento, California; Stockton, California; and San Francisco, California. These arrests stem from two indictments returned by the federal grand jury in the Western District of Oklahoma.
Law enforcement in Oklahoma is still searching for two individuals who have not been located. Those individuals are Tyrone Tanner, 31, from Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Darnell Banks, 26, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Their photos can be seen below.
This investigation and yesterday’s arrests would not have been possible without the assistance of the Homeland Security Investigation, U.S. Marshals Service, Internal Revenue Service, Oklahoma City Police Department, Del City Police Department, Norman Police Department, Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-Stockton, FBI-Stockton, Stockton Police Department, FBI-Sacramento, DEA-Sacramento, FBI-San Francisco, and DEA-San Francisco.
Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of any of the individuals listed above is urged to immediately contact the Oklahoma City Division of the FBI at (405) 290-7770 (24 hour number). You may remain anonymous.

Tyrone Tanner Darnell Banks


I'm addicted to kicking ass
Sep 11, 2010
Guthrie, OK
The war on drugs is filling our prisons and taxing our legal system. If idiots want to get high, let ' em just make sure we start drug for govt assistance.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Jesse I am good with the idea of letting folks do whatever. That stated to many of these same folks rob and kill with everything in-between. Down here last weeks assaults for this little berg was I believe 42 as of Friday. Drugs bring out the worst in people in most cases. Some need help and some need a boot of a tall building. Many become wards of the state from handouts to costing the state fo jail/prison/court costs nad remember those in prison wasn't the ones that got high with friends once in a while or in their own home now and then. I like the idea one isn't allowed to roam free trying to entice my kids to do drugs though folks are out there doing just that now. Think of how many if there wasn't laws making it illegal. There are no reasons why a baby should be born hooked on drugs or having brain damage from drugs while in the fetus.

The stats were for Lawton and Lawton is noted as NO. 8 in the most dangerous cities for women.


I'm addicted to kicking ass
Sep 11, 2010
Guthrie, OK
Jesse I am good with the idea of letting folks do whatever. That stated to many of these same folks rob and kill with everything in-between. Down here last weeks assaults for this little berg was I believe 42 as of Friday. Drugs bring out the worst in people in most cases. Some need help and some need a boot of a tall building. Many become wards of the state from handouts to costing the state fo jail/prison/court costs nad remember those in prison wasn't the ones that got high with friends once in a while or in their own home now and then. I like the idea one isn't allowed to roam free trying to entice my kids to do drugs though folks are out there doing just that now. Think of how many if there wasn't laws making it illegal. There are no reasons why a baby should be born hooked on drugs or having brain damage from drugs while in the fetus.

The stats were for Lawton and Lawton is noted as NO. 8 in the most dangerous cities for women.

Sounds like we need a death penalty for drugs instead then.


Founding Member
Sep 17, 2010
Moore, OK.
Jesse I am good with the idea of letting folks do whatever. That stated to many of these same folks rob and kill with everything in-between. Down here last weeks assaults for this little berg was I believe 42 as of Friday. Drugs bring out the worst in people in most cases. Some need help and some need a boot of a tall building. Many become wards of the state from handouts to costing the state fo jail/prison/court costs nad remember those in prison wasn't the ones that got high with friends once in a while or in their own home now and then. I like the idea one isn't allowed to roam free trying to entice my kids to do drugs though folks are out there doing just that now. Think of how many if there wasn't laws making it illegal. There are no reasons why a baby should be born hooked on drugs or having brain damage from drugs while in the fetus.

The stats were for Lawton and Lawton is noted as NO. 8 in the most dangerous cities for women.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on some of this. In my opinion a significant portion of the violence associated with the drug trade is due to the illegality of some of this stuff. I'm not going to say that we as a society should kick the gate open and let everything go but some of this stuff is ridiculous. For example, if pot were legal the violence and crime assocaited with its procurement and use would immediately drop to near zero. We would no longer have to spend money chasing pot somkers and dealers, and no longer have to spend money keeping those that are caught in the legal system or prison. After not spending all that money we could then tax the entire industry and actually see some income rather than the continuous expense that we have now. I use the pot example becuase I don't think it's a dangerous substance and I'm sure it's far less destructive than alcohol, which remains perfectly legal and taxed. I've never heard of anyone sitting down and smoking themselves to death, but the same can't be said for smoking. As far as keeping it away from your kids... How is pot any different than alcohol in this regard? Its not...

After havng said all of this, I feel that I should mention that I've never tried pot or any other drug beyond the caffiene in my coffee. Some common sense in this area would go a long way.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Jesse Harsher penalities - yep.and any crime where drugs are involved should have a min penality tacked on seperate from the crime like some states with firearms.

Rusty I have to agree at least in part and if you notice I mentioned pot. They are not typically the ones usually going to jail or prison and or causing the violence (no data to support that) unless a large quantity is involved. its dem other fools man. Some states/cities give a ticket when its found during a stop or what not. This doesn’t take a lot o of resources and maybe even makes money when the tickedee pays the fine. So, I guess at least somewhat we all agree. To what extent that is something else and that is what makes the world go round and round.

Peace out,

Scott Hearn

Well-Known Fanatic
Sep 19, 2010
Moore, OK
Not to jack your thread shootingbuff, but for the record I have to agree with Rusty. I'd add that I've just recently read part of a trial transcript of that attorney that was busted for possession of an unregistered machine gun and also an article about a guy that used his CCW when attacked in his own driveway after being almost knocked unconscious and was fighting three people. Those are just two of many innocent or totally justified people unjustly prosecuted on trumped up charges for no purpose whatsoever other than to enhance a prosecutor's resume. Those two cases will just piss you the hell off and I'm sure there and many hundreds more just like them and who knows how many people have pleaded guilty in a deal when they weren't guilty of squat? We need to fix more than drug laws. Sure if you are justified you can usually get off in court. But at what cost? The dude in the SD case had to post $100k in cash to get bond. If we fixed our SD laws and people weren't more afraid to defend themselves for fear of prosecution than taking their chances with a thug, then the thug druggies would think long and hard about how they fund their habit or how they support themselves in the case of the runners. I'm all for letting "what comes around go around", it would fix a lot.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 4, 2010
Lawton, OK
Not to jack your thread shootingbuff, but for the record I have to agree with Rusty. I'd add that I've just recently read part of a trial transcript of that attorney that was busted for possession of an unregistered machine gun and also an article about a guy that used his CCW when attacked in his own driveway after being almost knocked unconscious and was fighting three people. Those are just two of many innocent or totally justified people unjustly prosecuted on trumped up charges for no purpose whatsoever other than to enhance a prosecutor's resume. Those two cases will just piss you the hell off and I'm sure there and many hundreds more just like them and who knows how many people have pleaded guilty in a deal when they weren't guilty of squat? We need to fix more than drug laws. Sure if you are justified you can usually get off in court. But at what cost? The dude in the SD case had to post $100k in cash to get bond. If we fixed our SD laws and people weren't more afraid to defend themselves for fear of prosecution than taking their chances with a thug, then the thug druggies would think long and hard about how they fund their habit or how they support themselves in the case of the runners. I'm all for letting "what comes around go around", it would fix a lot.

No problem conversation drives the cogs and initiates thought process. Besides I would be amiss to think would hi-jack my thread. It is B.S and if one doesnt keep an open mind they will be lost forever. Now that was off topic.

To the gentlemen and the ladies out there I never stated the laws were great, or just for that matter.

Though I still believe drugs are an issue. I also believe harsher penalities will help, as in keying in on the sources bringing hte drugs in and as always freedom to carry and defend ones self.


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 7, 2012
blanchard, ok
The thing about criminals and law is... criminals are going to break the law no matter the penalty. Even if you hung them for every crime they would still do it. Laws are followed by honest citizens who don't jump one in their drive way and don't do drugs. Not just because its illegal. But because its the right thing to do.

Even if you were to legalize marijuana there would still be people breaking laws to get it sell it or use it. Just not as many. If it were done id say treat it like alcohol.(I don't smoke anything and rarely drink). Look at what happened in the prohbibition alcohol became legal and the gangs ran out of money as it was there primary income. But meth seems to be the big problem in OK and its my belief that it should never be legalized... and now gangs don't just run one drug. They run many. So if one source runs dry they have others to keep them going. So legalizing marijuana will only reduce some load on courts and prisons.

Gangs and drugs are spreading like wild fire. (I know to some degree both have always been present, it just seems worse lately)

They live by their own rules and were stuck to the letter if the law and its many interpitations.