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  1. D

    Your favoirte motivational poster

    I think I may actually have this put in my will.
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    Tactical Flashlight Strobe Mode

    To confuse and disable the suspect/target/enemy. Your eyes can't adjust to a strobe the way they can to a regular light. So what ends up happening is it ruins night vision, while at the same time being so quick a flash as to not allow you time to really see. However if you're behind the light it...
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    Zombie survival thread

    Something like this comrade? lol. Seriously I think that with the exception of being hard to find ammo for the PPSH may quite possibly be the best Anti-Zombie weapon ever.
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    Zombie survival thread

    Since it was requested in the subsection heading that we keep the zombies in here I'd like to spawn some. Who's got a plan? If so care to share it? Personally I've got an absolutely ludicrous amount of .40 and 5.56 as well as a thing or two that use them to keep me company, and I know of an...
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    Any Charleston, SC Members Here?

    Well I've kinda missed the point of this thread but I'm new here and I'm in Charleston.
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    I saw it twice and loved it both times. They hit the perfect balance of funny/scary without being too cliched. I think the main character is a very good representation of most of my generation actually.
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    Working at Twin Ponds Rifle Range

    I was there! And found this forum there. We built a new shorter backstop and cleaned up a TON of crap. The place looks really nice now. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it that way.