Recent content by willysman

  1. willysman

    3 gun shotgun caddy?

    I just switched from load two with Taccom dual loads to quad loading with the Taccom sportster L12-4. I can carry 24 shells with 2 caddies in less space on my belt than I could carry 18 in three dual load caddies. They are working great for me. Now just need to practice with them a lot more...
  2. willysman

    AR Mag Holster

    Be glad you are not up here in Canada. We are limited by law to 5 round magazines in a center-fire rifle. Though I do run .50 Beowulf mags that I can load 15 rounds of .223 in. I can do this as they can only hold 5 of the Beowulf rounds. This is only one of the many ridiculous gun laws we...