Chambers Custom CCP/CC SSG #20


Jul 12, 2018
Over the years, all of us find that one gun or gun smith that we just chase for what seems like a lifetime...

About 6 years ago, I stumbled upon a few pistols made by Joe Chambers. As soon as I saw these pistols, I knew I had to have one. I immediately called Joe and placed my order. Over the years I have had the privledge of not only learning a lot about Joe, but also making a good friend.

Since the first Chambers gun I ordered, I have also placed orders for several others with not only Joe, but many other custom gun smiths... many in this very group. Around 2 or 3 years ago, Joe offered a very short run of .22LR Upper conversions. I was pretty excited and convinced I would buy one, but... Sometimes life serves you up a shitty dish and what you plan on doing just does not work out.

A few people I know, knew I missed the run of only 20 conversions made... And they knew I would always be looking for an SSG .22 Conversion until I found one. I was very lucky enough to be presented the opportunity to buy a used one (upper only) from a shooter who is now sponsored by one of the biggest shooting teams in the country... and with sponsorship comes commitment to using said sponsors equipment.

I was able to work out a deal and have the conversion sent back to Joe for inspection as well as a full fitting to a new frame for it. Out of pure luck, the conversion I got was serial #20... and Joe just so happen to have serial #20 frame that would be a perfect match!
The finished pistol is incredible... The overall craftsmanship is honestly second to none and I can say its likely the finest pistol I have handled. Its amazing how the pistol feels in hand... the stippling with the Aztec cuts is something that doesn't feel like anything else I have had, and is absolutely the best feeling stipple work I have felt on a gun (thats a tall statement coming from me).

The blending is spot on, the finish is perfect... everything inside and out is honestly as good as it gets.

This will undoubtedly be the gun that I will be teaching my son to shoot with, which gives it even more meaning to me...

Not only is this pistol special for the reasons I mentioned up top, but its also been used to shoot a Police National Record for indoor slow fire and the shooter shot an 895-48 and made the Mayleigh Cup National team... 895-48 is ridiculous.

I am proud to present a pistol I have lusted over for a long time... one that I was not sure I would get, and one that is the first of many... a Unicorn! A pistol put together for me by my friend Joe!!











Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 9, 2018
congrats on achieving a goal you set for yourself and getting a CCP inthe balance

Joe is an amazing gunsmith and a great person to get to know. Have had a few conversations with him and really enjoy that time spent.

wish he and I had more time to talk guns. I learn something new everytime we talk. he has avast wealth of gun information and really understand how guns work and what would make them work better

lucky you to have such a good friend and gunsmith at your beckon call.

enjoy the ride


Jul 12, 2018
Yes... Over the years I've learned something new about Joe or pistols every time we talk. It's crazy that we stumble onto random topics and almost always share an interest or at least some knowledge about the topic.

As much as I like chatting pistols with Joe, I truely do enjoy just talking about life and non gun stuff as well.

I've worked on many orders with Joe, this one he really took care of me on and offered somethings that were just above and beyond. Really can't express my appreciation enough on it!

Cheers gang!