RIA Went to the range today with my Rock Island Armory 1911 .45 ACP


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 27, 2018
Richmond, VA
Earlier this morning while everyone was in church, I went to the local indoor shooting range north of Richmond, VA nextdoor to Bass Pro Shop along I-95. It's called Winding Brook Indoor Range.

What an incredible place! They honored my military retiree status, and even an expired DCJS armed security card. Total range cost: $15 bucks! :D

I shot regular, common, 230gr "ball" ammo like I always do and used 1/2 the box on this (best) target. I relaxed, stayed calm, focused on my front sight, and very very gently, slowly squeezed the trigger each time. This is from 15 feet away! I brought along another much smaller 5-bullseye target and finished the box on that target, and wasn't as good on that, as each of the 5 bullseye rings were TINY from 15 feet away!

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Also, if anyone wants a copy of that homemade target that I created for an 8½ x 11 piece of computer paper, just right click on it and choose "save image as..."

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Butch, Good shooting. Thanks for sharing. I have a RIA 45ACP range gun. Love it. Try some 200 gr SWC. Your groups will noticeably tighten. This pistol takes a trigger job well. With a Wilson ignition group, feels like a premium brand. Have 20,000 rounds through mine. Eats any type ammo.
You did great. i had one RI years ago good shooting gun. Sold mine to a LEO.
I love my R.I.A.! It's a barebones .45 GI 1911-CS.

The gun is capable of shooting better than my weary eyes can see. I was so thoroughly amazed the first time I pulled the trigger too. Other than grips it was g.t.g out of the box.

I've only got 1K or so rounds through it so far. Now that it's broken in I'll see what little things need attention to make it even better.