That's awesome! We have had Constitutional Carry in Oklahoma now for about 7 years. There has been a decline in crime, no gun owners have been busted for "printing" while concealed carrying by "alarmed citizens", yet you never see anyone with a hog leg on their hip.Just an update, we have Constitutional Carry in South Carolina now a bit later than everyone else, but at least we got it before Florida.
Refer to this for details: Carry Guidance.pdf
Most realize that open carry is a right and not a strategic method to carry a firearm.
I've walked up behind a couple of folks that were open carrying in a store, close enough to snatch their firearm away from them in a holster that offers zero retention capabilities. Nice looking hand tooled leather holster, but it's one to be worn when the BBQ guns are to be displayed at occasions where like-minded individuals display their finery.