My First Glock.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 3, 2018
So I've been intrigued my the RMR for ahile and had not had a chance to shoot one. So a friend and I rented a G17 with a Vortex dot. It was enough to send me looking for a red dot ready pistol. Thanks to @Bender who had been keeping this guy warm at night it now lives at my house.

Gen4 G19 with a bunch of work from Lou at Business End Customs.
I played around the a Bravo Torsion holster a bit for the G19. I think it would be an awesome appendix rig but I'm not ready to tray a new carry style and a new gun at the same time.

For my body type and carry position my DIY kydex just works for me. So I whipped up a holster and mag carrier yesterday. Now I'm ready to hit the range. 432589B7-B421-4FB6-A87E-7A878C017BD3.jpeg530C4BCD-A933-44D4-B15C-D3188AC2F9EC.jpeg8759E0BA-85FE-446F-BEB7-7630C90F53FD.jpeg
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They're a great tool, but they lack the soul that a 1911 seems to have.

But for putting holes in bad guys and paper torso targets the weight and copacity of the G19 paired with the ease of the RMR are the factors that changed my mind. I will always have a few 1911s and continue to build them but for EDC the G19 is a better package for me.
Even though you were hating on Baer I will throw you some air support about a Glock. Nothing wrong with them.
I am a Sig guy who has worked on upgrading Glocks to keep my mind working at the old age :). Worked on cars and did wood working in the old days. I don't need a car jack any more to work on Glocks :). Here is a photo of the last of my Glocks. I have four left of the seven i had.
I love 1911s but I'm also a big fan of Glocks. They are not pretty but they are uber-reliable. A Glock 21 should be on everyone's "try it" list. They are a 45 ACP gun that is very soft shooting and easy to shoot well. The 19 is the do-it-all 9mm.

They are top rack dishwasher safe, too (j/k)
I have come to like my Glocks too....I always seem to come back to them. I carry a G17 on-duty, and a G19 off-duty. I shoot an STI Eagle in USPSA Limited, but equally run my Glock 35 also. I'm probably a tad faster with the Eagle due to lesser recoil and a different trigger (my G35 is a 3.25# trigger). I also run my G19 sometimes in USPSA Production and Limited minor.....

While still in LE, and exempt from capacity restrictions, I'll keep carrying my 19....but once I retire, then it'll be either my DW ECO 9mm, DW CCO 45, or a Full size 1911.....(or heck...maybe a G30s...LOL)
I have found a new love for 1911's, but I won't ever give up my Glocks! I got my first glock early this year and now I own 5 of them... Lol
Very curious about the RMR.

I have some friends in another Dept that got permission to carry RMRs on their Glocks.

I have heard good and bad about the RMRs.

Your thoughts?

Can you pick the red dot as fast as iron sights at close range?

Any issues with it fogging up in a high humitity enviroment? (like glasses do when you go from one extreme to another)

Battery life?

What size dot did you go with and why?

Ok, I will stop, lol.
This is going to be a long post. Get ready.

I love the dot and at this point can not see myself going away from it for my self defense and shooting needs.

I'm running the 6.5MOA dot. I really like it for the yardage I shoot at. Out to 15yrds it is small enough to still make accurate shots on head zone IDPA scoring boxes. I've shot it out to 25yrds on beer bottles and it makes that an easy proposition. I've looked at a couple 3MOA dots in gun stores and I find them hard to find against a busy background when making a target transition.

The only issue I've had with the RMR is I have the auto dimming model. At my indoor range the booth is a bit dim so the RMR lowers the brightness of the dot where it is hard to find against a white target that is well lit down range. But after the first shot it goes full bright and then is not an issue. I will switch the the manual brightness adjusting model when I have some money. That is the only place it has occurred. I have spent a lot of time doing dry fire around my house to get used to a different presentation and picking up the dot and have not had that occur any where else.

I grew up trap shooting and upland bird hunting. I have no idea how many thousands of rounds through a shot gun I have. When I was 14 years old and on I averaged 3 hundred a week for 5 years in practice and 5-8 hundred a week end at tournaments. I shot my first 100 straight when I was 16 or 17. So who trap shooting you have a hard target focus and the rib of the shot gun and beads are blurry. Having a clear sight picture on a hand gun where I can shoot with both eyes open and clearly focus on the target and the red dot is clearly in focus on the target is a blessing to me. I have a bit of a stigmatism and the broom of my dot "blooms" a bit later in the day when my eyes are tired and I really try to focus on the dot doing dry fire but I have never noticed it outside shooting.

Now for speed. I have only been shooting hand guns for 4 years and have fired close to 4 thousands rounds in that time. I average one range days month and shot 150-200 rounds depending on the drills I'm shooting. I had never drawn from concealment or carried prior to that. I have kept track of every round and shoot with a shot timer on IDPA targets and have been able to track my progress over this time. At 3-5 yards on the draw to first shot I'm not any faster but I'm not any slower with the RMR. I had never shot a Glock prior to the one rental day to see if I liked a red dot on a hand gun at all. This week when doing one shot from the draw with a buttom down shirt for a cover garment I was 1.9-2.03 seconds on avarage at 10 yrds. That's not fast by high level shooters standards but it is where I'm at now. That's also the exact averages i was at with my 5" 45ACP 1911. Now as soon as I move back that is where the RMR really starts to come into play. I used always shot at 3,5,7 yrds because I felt more confident. Now I shoot the same drills at the same speed at 10 and 15 yrds with the RMR.

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Someday I would like to shoot an RMR equipped gun but most likely not a Glock. Would love to try one on a 1911.

For a Glock, that is a very nice looking gun, congrats.
AZPoolGuy, a comprehensive look into what a red dot does for you. He and I have chatted a few times about this topic. I believe he both curses me and thanks me for bringing this RMR Glock into his life. APG is an interesting individual. He possesses a high tech, but old school soul. These two attributes aren't usually very comparable but his inner being makes it work.

I had that G19 that PoolGuy is shooting. I was having a hard time with it. Mostly acquiring the dot. I always seemed to have the dot low and had to raise the pistol another 3/4" to see the dot in the window. I sold the pistol and moved on. Sometime later I saw a G26 that was set up for an RMR. I had always shot the 26 better than the 19 for some crazy reason. I bought it and save up for an optic. I ended up finding a slightly used Rmr07, the adjustable, 3.25 moa model. I got it mounted recently and have been dry firing. I haven't gotten it to the range yet.

I do seem to acquire the dot faster with this model. After reading up on many reviews I have figured out what the deficiency was with the G19. It had rather standard sights. The 26 has suppressor height sights. The taller sights are allowing me to bring the pistol into a shooting position quicker, thus finding the dot quicker. The 26's slide was machined to allow the rear sight to be moved forward of the optic.

So in my experience, the model of pistol it's self may not have been th deficiency. The sights that were installed on the G19 may have been the issue that led to my frustration. I'll get a pic posted soon for those interested.
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